Till DeAth Do Us PArt

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: This chapter takes place almost six months after the previous chapter.

Hanna, Spencer, Emily, Aria, and Alison hadn't received a single message since they discovered that Mona was Charlotte's killer. They won the game, but they never figured out who AD was... until now.

"Spencer, you have a twin?!" asked Hanna.

"Apparently so," answered Spencer. "Jesus Christ, if my dad would've just kept it in his pants, then like 90% of the bad stuff that has happened to us wouldn't have happened."

The other girls nodded in agreement.

Spencer's twin hadn't said a single word since she revealed herself to the Liars. She just smiled at them. Suddenly, she grabbed the skin below her chin, and started pulling it up. Spencer didn't have a twin after all, it was just one of those (stupid) super-realistic Scooby-Doo masks.

Collective gasps broke the silence as who the person standing in front of them was revealed.

"Melissa!" shouted Spencer. "You're AD! I don't get it. I thought you did all of that shady stuff because you were protecting me! Like when you buried Bethany Young because you thought I killed her? And why would you be so determined to find Charlotte's killer that you would torture your sister in the process? And why would you pretend you were me?"

"Spencer, I'm the one who hit Bethany, not Mona. And I only 'took the fall for you', so you would stop suspecting me. Do you remember how you stole Wren and Ian from me? Well, I got payback by pretending to be you and getting with Toby," answered Melissa.

"What?!" yelled Spencer furiously.

"Wait, did you pretend to be Spencer when I was in the barn?" asked Hanna.

Melissa smirked.

"So you're the one who tortured me and made Lucas rape me!" Hanna practically yelled.

"Oh come on, Hanna. Lucas was in the same boat as me. We were both good friends with Charlotte, I more so than him. You've known since forever that he wanted to do you, but you never even gave him a chance, so I did," Melissa said irritably. "I was just doing him a favor as was he for me by constructing the game board."

Hanna was going to respond, but she felt a sharp pain in her stomach. She flinched, but no one seemed to notice.

"What do you mean, you were more than friends with Charlotte?" asked Spencer.

"Charlotte was my girlfriend. We had this sort of forbidden love, like 'Romeo and Juliet.' Our families were basically at war with one another with her mom sleeping with Dad while pretending to be Ali's mom. We could never be together. Charlotte was already transgender, she didn't want to complicate things further by coming out as bisexual. I couldn't come out either. You know how mom and dad are Spence, they're not homophobic, but they would see me being anything but straight as an 'imperfection,' and it would 'ruin' the Hastings' reputation. So we kept our love a secret. Then Charlotte was killed. Of course, I assumed you guys did it or had something to do with it. She tortured you for Christ's sakes."

"So Jason did see you with Charlotte the night that I went missing?" asked Ali.

Melissa nodded.

"So you wanted to kill Bethany for the same reason that Charlotte did?" asked Ali.

"Yes. But obviously, Charlotte failed and hit you instead. I hit the right target," Melissa answered proudly.

"Wait, in the barn, I admitted to you that I thought it was a good thing that we didn't know who killed Charlotte because I would tell if I did. I thought I was talking to Spencer, and you knew this. There was no reason for me to lie. You knew at that moment that we had nothing to do with Charlotte's death, but you still went after all of us. Why?" asked Hanna.

"Charlotte wanted to continue playing the game once she got out of Welby, but thanks to Mona, she never got the chance to," answered Melissa.

"Thank God," Emily said under her breath.

"So I decided to fulfill her last wishes. Not only did I get to continue playing the game for her, but I also got to figure out who killed her," Melissa continued. "It was a win-win situation."

"Yeah, for you," mumbled Aria.

"Speaking of Mona, she was the one who killed Charlotte, isn't she the one you should be going after? Not us?" asked an annoyed Ali.

"It was an accident. Besides, Mona and I used to play for the same team," Melissa said cryptically. "After learning who Charlotte's killer was, I found peace. That's why I left Rosewood, and you haven't gotten any messages since."

"Then why did you come back?" asked Spencer.

"Because I wanted to see your faces when I revealed myself to you. Plus, I think you deserved some answers."

"Aggh!" Hanna doubled over in pain.

"Hanna, what's wrong?!" asked Emily.

"I think my water just broke."

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I hated the Twincer reveal. Troian did great, but I though the whole thing was stupid, and it made no sense. Like you can't just make a character we knew for half an episode be the big bad of the show, it's a copout and bad writing. Alex's motive didn't even make any sense. She had no good reason to go after Spencer, let alone the other girls. I felt like this was just all DiLaurentis/Drake/Hastings family drama and Hanna, Emily and Aria were only targeted because they were friends with Spencer and Ali. Like they were basically just collateral damage. Even though Melissa as AD wouldn't have been too shocking, at least (in my opinion), it would've made sense. She has been involved in literally every single major storyline in PLL, and she's been there since the very beginning. She's always been shady, and with her being AD, we could've filled in so many plot holes. The finale didn't really give us any answers, it just gave us more questions. Anyway, Charlissa should've been endgame. I'm going to end this story with this chapter because I honestly have no clue where to go from here. But I guess Hanna gives birth and everything else that happened in season 7 (besides what I changed in this story) is canon. Also, I forgot to mention that, in this story, AD never impregnated Ali with Emily's eggs.

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