Chapter 5

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"Where's Seth?" Dinah asked.

"Sleeping." Milika said.

"Well I'll go get him." Dinah said and she nodded.

"I would like to be a princess." Regina said.

"Yeah, but it takes a lot of responsibility." Normani said.

"Does it really?" Lauren asked and she shook her head.

"Wow, I am willing to take those responsibilities and kick it's butt." Regina said.

"Oh, I would be a prince." Chris said.

"Well prince, take me to the ball." Regina said holding her hand out like a lady.

"I will gladly my lady." Chris said taking it and walked her back to the sittings as Lauren shook her head.

"Here he is." Dinah said bringing out the baby boy.

"He's so cute!" Normani squealed cooing at him.

"I'm cute too." Dinah whined.

"No, you're more than cute." Normani said and Dinah smirked.

"I'll take it." Dinah said.

"We should get packing." Lauren said.

"Okay, here take him." Dinah said and Normani took him.

As they went to pack, Camila and Normani decided to chat with Milika.

"Oh, hello ladies." Milika said.

"Hi Ms." Camila said sitting down.

"Well, do you need anything before you go?" Milika asked.

"We wanted to know more about Lauren and Dinah." Camila said.

"Well, are you interested into them, if you are then they are lucky to have you beautiful ladies." Milika said.

"Thank you, and yes we are." Camila said making Normani eyes widen.

"She didn't tell she was into Lauren, because I already said Dinah was off limits with her." Normani said.

"Dinah." Seth said.

"Yes, your older hot sister, you love her?" Normani asked and he nodded.

"Sometimes she can be annoying." Regina said.

"Well that's something we share in common." Normani said making Camila and Milika laugh.

"She's not wrong." Camila said.

"But they always protect us from anyone." Milika said.

"How did she get that scar on her side?" Camila asked.

"Did she tell you what happen?" Ally asked and Camila nodded.

"Is that connected?" Camila asked and she nodded.

"Tell what?" Normani asked.

"Long story." Milika said.

"Okay." Normani said.

"Even though DJ can be a big head, I'll miss her." Regina said making Chris laugh.

"I'll miss Lauren even though she was always so dark and serious." Chris said making a face making Regina laugh.

"Stop you two." Milika said and they died down their laughter.

"Hey Ma, have you seen my necklace?" Dinah asked.

"Regina is wearing it." Milika said making Dinah look at Regina.

"Okay, I'm done." Dinah said putting the bag by the door.

"Be careful and protect yourself as well." Milika said hugging Dinah.

"I will." Dinah said.

Camila got up and went to the room Lauren was in. She was crotched down by a chest with an amount of stuff in it.

"What's in the chest?" Camila asked.

"Memories." Lauren said holding up a picture.

"Is that your mother?" Camila asked and Lauren nodded.

Camila walked over and crotched down next to Lauren with one hand on her back.

"I'll take this." Lauren said putting a necklace in her pocket.

"Not a picture?" Camila asked.

"I'm not the only child she had, I'll let Chris and Taylor see her every once in a while." Lauren said putting the photo on the bed before closing the chest.

"Well, let's go back to the castle." Camila said walking out as Lauren picked up her bag.

Lauren hugged her siblings before hugging Milika.

"Stay safe!" Milika said as the siblings waved.

"Will do." Dinah said helping Normani on before getting on herself as Lauren did the same with Camila.

They took off the same way they came, but got to the castle faster this time. Going in, Alejandro showed them to their actual room which is separate from each other and is their own room. They situated their selves before heading off for dinner.

"Y'all are back, that's nice. I should have asked you to ask your mothers if they would like to join me for tea." Sinu said.

"My mother wouldn't make it, but thank you." Lauren said.

"I could always go back and ask her, she'll be blessed to talk to you." Dinah said.

"Oh, well that's nice and that's okay Lauren." Sinu said sipping her drink.

"Now, you two will still have training, but with the other knights." Alejandro said.

"So like, Lauren can go against her father?" Dinah asked.

"Yes." Alejandro said making Lauren smirk.

"I would like to be his competition." Lauren said drinking her water.

"Okay, then it's settled." Alejandro said.

"And no, you won't watch." Sinu said.

"That is not fair." Normani said.

"It is, I don't want you getting hurt." Sinu said.

"But the area is huge so we have a 1% chance of getting hurt." Camila said.

"Fine, but I better not see on bruise, cut, or scratch on either of you." Sinu said making Normani high five Camila.

After dinner, everyone got dressed for bed and after, Lauren looked out the window to look at the moon.

"It's almost the full moon." Dinah said.

"Yeah, in like 10 days." Lauren said.

"Many things can happen in 10 days and on the 1 day you'll be fighting the person you want to kill." Dinah said.

"You're not wrong." Lauren said walking over to sit on the bed.

"Well get some good rest because you got a big fight tomorrow." Dinah said leaving as Lauren laid back.

"Alright, here we go." Lauren said clicking off the light and fell asleep.

Waking up and eating breakfast, all the knights made their way to the training ground. Each knight had one on one and Michael rolled his eye.

"You do really think you can beat me?' Michael asked in a cocky tone.

"I don't think I can, but I sure as hell can kill you." Lauren said putting on her helmet.

"Alright then let's see you try." Michael said adjusting his helmet and sword.

The knights gathered wanting to see this father and daughter fight.

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