chapter two

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Samantha got to school just as the bell rang an was in her seat as the tardy bell rang she let out a sigh of relife and took out her laptop she began to open up notes just as Nick walked in his hair was blond and shaggy he was wearing a black hat pulled just over his eyes all the girls had a crush on him. he was dark and mysterious. Suprizinly he denied all of the girls who kept trying to invite themselves to prom with him he said he had his eye on someone. Today he sat next to Samantha and said "so samantha do you have a date to prom?" she replied with a suprised no . then he said "samantha will you go to prom with me?" Samantha was shocked she maneged to say "yes" befor she new what was going on the teacher walked in and eyed them all suspiciously. That day the classes seemed to go on and on samantha was a wreck what would she wear she had to go shopping the minut the school bell rang she was gone and heading to the mall. She had 500 dollars with her from her banking acount. She got to the mall and when she got inside she let out a suprised yelp.

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