Hey my name is Angelina Mia Gomez and I'm from San Jose California. My mom had gotten offered a better job in LA which some people would die to all ready move but I didn't want to. I loved my home town and I like were I was raised. I just knew the place inside out and I wasn't ready to live but it was for the best. Not only was my mom offered a better job but the bought her a mansion with 6 cars 12 rooms 8 bathrooms 2 pools 2 kitchens 2 dinning rooms and so many other things but it was to much to remember. April 1st was the day we were moving to LA and it was a month until I turned 15 and my mom was planing on doing a quince for me. Mom: Nina (my mom calls me Nina for short) are you ready to start packing because we leave tomorrow. Angelina: I'm starting to pack I already took all my clothes out the closet. *Angelina's phones rang* Angi: (Angi is still Angelina just for short) Oh Diego Martir is live...ehh I should watch it. Diego: Heyyy guysss what y'all up to ?
I decided to comment what I was doing since nobody answered his question and only talked about how cute he was which wasn't a lie ;)
Angie: "I'm packing" Diego: "I'm packing" he read out loud oh we're to? Angie: "I'm moving to LA" Diego: Oh really ?! LA is really nice u will love it.
Then it hit me DIEGO MARTIR LIVES IN LA...but that would be crazy LA is huge and it's like in a million years I would see him guessing by my luck. And well I brought my hopes down.
Mom: Nina u ready to go everything is already in the u-haul we're going to miss our flight. Angie:Okay let me change into something comfy. Mom:okay just make it snappy.
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⬆️⬆️⬆️ That's what Angelina wore for the plane ride
I kept trying to sleep on the plane ride but it was a bit hard when their are 10 different crying babies. Then I fell asleep and then I got embarrassed. The plane had landed but in my dream it felt like I was falling and well I yelled. Everybody looked at me and at the distant I heard someone laugh and it sounded familiar yet I couldn't lay a finger on it.