The decision

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"Hey Freddy? You wanna go to one of the gigs of this one band? I think they are called Rammstein. My mum gave me some tickets for free, so you wanna go?" I asked my best friend Freddy

"OMG YOU MEAN RAMMSTEIN?! OMG I LOVE THEM SO MUCH! Christoph is such a handsome man." Freddy fangirled

"Mate, calm down. You can tell me anything, but i don't know them, so you can tell me anything" I said and laughed

"Believe me. They are handsome.. I think you would like Richard." she said and grinned

"C'mon Freddy i don't know this Richard. So i think you wanna go with me, don't you?" I said

"I would be stupid to not go with you." she said and hugged me




After some long conversation, i went home. Tomorrow is this gig and i actually became really excited. Not just because i love such type of music, also because of all the things, which Freddy told me about them. He probably wants that i like this Richard, but i don't know what he looks like, what he is like and so on. After thinking a lot about this evening i fell asleep.





I woke up at 16:00 o' clock. Wow did i sleep that long? Oh god

First i went to the kitchen, made myself something to eat and a tea. Then i went to the bathroom, made my hair, showered and grabbed some clothes. Now it's 18:00 o' clock and Freddy will pick me up in a bit.

But she came earlier as expected, because she normally is always too late. She is probably really excited and can't wait to get there. I opened the door and welcomed her with our usually handshake.

„Why are you already here?" i asked Freddy confused

„Because i want us to be in the first row, so now get your butt in my car, so we can go." she said, grabbed my arm and dragged me to the car. Thankfully i already had everything with me!!
We drove to the place, where the gig will take place and went inside. As Freddy hoped we were the first ones there, so we were in the first row. The only thing which i could see was a little stage with a drum kit on it and some guitars, one bass and one keyboard. Nothing spectacular in my opinion.
Freddy and I waited one hour until some people came to this place. She was definitely excited. I could tell the way she reacted. I was happy for her.

„Are you excited Freddy?" i asked her with a smirk
„Omg yes Jenny, thank you so much for taking me with you." she said and hugged me

„Aww. Your my best friend, so why should i have taken someone else with me? Just enjoy the evening" i said while hugging her.

I looked at my watch. The show has to begin in a few minutes!! I got excited because of this Richard. Excited to see what he is like...

After the concert - Richard KruspeWhere stories live. Discover now