The show

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Around 2 minutes later i heard some guitar playing. I looked up and saw that in front of us stood a guitarist. He was really handsome and could play amazingly! I looked over to Freddy, who was screaming so loud. She probably won't have a voice tomorrow. I looked at the guitarist the whole time. Then i looked around to see how many people it are. Then i felt a tap on my shoulder.

Freddy whispered in my ear: "This guitarist is Richard. By the way... he looks at you the whole time. "

I turned my head to the stage and saw that Richard was staring at me. Freddy was right. He realised that i saw it and his reaction wasn't expected. He smiled at me brightly and then looked away.

It was an amazing show. A lot of fire! And a lot of amazing songs, which i love so much.

They were that good, that i started to enjoy the music so much, that you could see it. Some songs later the concert was over. I didn't like it. Through the concert i became a fan. A fan of this band and especially of their music.

"I knew that you would like Richard!" Freddy said to me and smiled

"He was cute" i said

"He looked at you the whole time, Jenny. Maybe he is interested in you." Freddy thought

"why should he?" i said

"Can we go?" I asked, because i didn't really want to hear her answer. The room wasn't that full anymore, so we could easily go out. We walked past the concert hall and then we heard a scream:


It sounded like a male voice. Freddy and I turned around and i couldn't believe my eyes who stood there. It was the Rammstein guitarist Richard. He came running to us and smiled at the both of us. Freddy looked at me. Her facial expression showed something like: Didn't i tell you that he is interested?

"I'm sorry if i disturb you guys. I saw you at the concert. I'm Richard!" he said and gave me his hand. It was so soft and huge! My small hand was at least a half of his!!.

"No your not disturbing or anything." Freddy said

"I'm Freddy and this is Jenny." She introduced us, because i was still shocked.

"Nice to meet you! You..." he said

Then Freddys phone rang. "Oh excuse me for a minute" she said

"What did you want to say?" I asked and smiled at him

He scratched his neck and said: "i watched you at the concert and i think you recognised. I'm sorry, but you seem like a really cool person. So i wanted to ask for your number, so we can maybe hang out one day?" He nervously asked

"yeah sure! where can i put it in or where can i write it on?" I asked

"Oh sorry! Here is my phone" he said and handed me his phone

I put my number in his contact list. Then Freddy came back.

"Jenny, we need to get home fastly. Someone is waiting at my doorstep." Freddy said and laughed a bit

"I'm sorry Richard. Would have talked to you a bit longer, but we need to go" I sadly said

"It's fine, i will write you" he said

Then he huged me and said: Have a lovely evening. Wir sehn uns

I said "wir sehen uns" back. After this we went home. On this way Freddy asked me many questions. Like: He said: "I will write you!" DID HE WANTED YOUR NUMBER? OMG

I told her everthing and when i arrived home i fell asleep with this concert in my thoughts

After the concert - Richard KruspeWhere stories live. Discover now