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I am a huge Walking Dead fan, the new episode was wonderful ok

Super Smutty but y'know. Rated M for a reason.

Spencer Reid Smut/Lemon/Lime/Fluff/Whatever


"Hey, guess what?" Spencer says as he comes into the kitchen. I am attempting to cook chilli but it isn't looking too nice. He places a kiss on my cheek and peers into the pot. Before he can say anything I empty the contents into the bin and throw the pot into the sink.

"Whats up?" I ask, opening the draw with the takeout menu's in.

"I'm teaching a class on Friday." he is beaming. Spencer hasn't taught a class since he'd met me, I knew this was a big deal with him.

"No way, that's awesome." I throw my arms around him.

"And guess what else?"

"There's more"

"You can sit in and watch, of course, if you want to, but I thought that you might want to, but if you don't-"

"Spencer, shh." I kiss him until he shuts up. "I would love to watch you teach a class. Whats it on, am I gonna have to study?"

"No, its on female serial killers, which, again, I totally understand if you don't want to-"

"Spencer, baby, shh, I want to come." He picks me up and spins me around.

"Oh hey, look at the garden," he says distractedly. He walks over to the window that looks out over the garden and peers through his glasses out onto what I'd spent my day doing. "How did you..." his voice trails off as he flicks the switches that turn on all the lights for the garden. Its fully illuminated, I watch him from the doorway as he walks half way down. "how?"

"Wheedwhacker, mini chainsaw, jet wash for the patio and bbq, lawnmower, lots of soil and new plants."

"How the hell did you do this in the time I've been to work?"

"Darling, this is me you're talking to." I grin, trying to ignore the painful burn of every one of my muscles. I'd managed to conduct a miracle because I couldn't stand to be still for a moment, still meant being able to think. The only time I'd stop was for bed, by then I was so exhausted I couldn't physically think. "I'm thinking of throwing the party Saturday?"

"Sounds good, wow, Am, you could do this for a living you know." he is still looking at the garden. I had done an extraordinary amount of work in a few hours. I'd got rid of everything overgrown, every weed was gone and any surface was blasted with the jetwash. Once I had my blank canvas I had set off to the garden center. It had taken me only thirty minutes to psych myself up to leave the house on my own today. Its okay once I'm out of my street, its just the getting out bit itself.

I picked up endless packets of seeds, as well as some plants I could put in right away. I got outdoor lanterns and fairy lights, thinking of the large blossom tree at the back of the garden that neither of us had noticed. It wasn't until I reached the back I saw the pink buds sprouting. I had also spent a full five minutes imagining the tree house that could be constructed between the two big trees at the back of the garden. There was potential for a tree castle. I shake the idea from my head.

"Spencer, are you hungry?" I call to him. He takes one long look around the garden before walking back to me. "Not really, are you?" I shake my head. "I need a shower and new Walking Dead and Diet Coke." I inform him.

"Go on then, you get on with that and I'll be up in, ooh, about ten minutes." he grins. I reach up to place a quick kiss on his cheek but he captures my lips with his and I forget what I was doing until he pushed me gently in the direction I need to go. I can still feel his lips against mine as I step under the shower in out ensuite. Its spray as heavy and helped immensely with my aching body. About twenty minutes later I hear Spencer call my name. I pop my head out of the shower door and frown as I see him with the stupid Polaroid camera again. I'd picked it up for him at a thrift store a week or so ago and he'd already used three apckets of film. He was obsessed with capturing everything, especially candids of me.

Be Safe (Criminal Minds/Spencer Reid x OC romantic Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now