chapter 5

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On my way to Rantaro's house I saw Gonta and Kiibo walking down the street And I decided I would try to avoid them. Key word- try.

"Why does friend Kokichi look sad?"


"Don't tell me, Kokichi, you're crying."
Kokichi lifted his hand and looked at Kiibo feeling the warm wetness on his fingers.

"I guess I am....  That's a first."

"Gonta will help friend Kokichi so he feel better."

"Thanks Gonta, but I'm just going to Rantaro's house."

"Then Gonta carry Kokichi there."

"Umm.... That doesn't seem so bad..... Thanks..... Gonta, Kiibo."

Gonta then picked Kokichi up bridal style not noticing his hand slidinga bit down.

Kokichi blushed three fouths of the way there because Gonta finally reached his butt.

"G-Gonta, I-I can walk fro-"

"No such thing, friend Kokichi need help, and true gentleman take care of friends."

When they arrived at Rantaro's Kiibo knocked on the door, almost immediately being answered.

"Hey Kiibo what's wro- KOKICHI! WHAT'S WRONG!?!"

"Shuichi.... He.... Let's go inside.... Please....."

"Ok." Rantaro said calmly.

"Ok, so, what's wrong?"

"Yes, we'd like to know that as well."

"Well..... Shuichi he- he said..." Kokichi stumbled over his words for some reason now sitting on Gonta's lap.

"He what?..."

"He- he said... That I was an embarrassment..."

"HE WHAT!?!?!?" Kiibo and Rantaro yelled.

"Friend Kokichi deserve better. He deserve a true gentlemen."

"G-Gonta..." Kokichi blushed and smiled as Gonta said that, he really was one of his best friends.

"We need to make sure Kokichi is fine, and bye him a panta ice cream tub."

So.... It's your author, weeb senpai.
I'm here to apologize to people who are interested in this story, I have a very crapy schedule, that does not mean that this book is canceled, it just means that I feel really sorry.

I love you all and thank you for all of the support you have done for me.
                         You're truly, weeb senpai

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