The Fast Little Raccoon

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Your mom is in the passenger seat, your dad is driving, you are in the back seat. your dad was driving really fast, your mom then yelled, "Slowly down!",It all was so fast, you turn your head to look at the front window, there was a car coming right at your families car, you closed your eyes.   You wake up to hear 'Beep' 'Beep' 'Beep' the sound keeps on going, its annoying by this point.      your eyes are still closed. you soon realized you were in EXTREME pain, you opened my eyes to see you were in the hospital,  you were scared.  A nurse came other to the bedside, "Oh! Good your awake, I-I'm so  sorry t-to tell you this but.", you knew what she was going to say, but you ignored the fact that I knew she was going to tell you that your parents died, "Your parents d-d-died in the crash." you felt a tear roll down my cheek,  you closed my eyes again and cried yourself to sleep.     you slept for what seemed like years, then you woke up. you were on the ground, you could feel the grass and sticks that touched your knees. you looked around you seemed to be in a forest, you saw trees everywhere it almost seemed like a maze, you stood up and then looked in front of you to see a small raccoon.   The raccoon tilted its head to the right, it then ran away,  you thought 'The raccoon may know how to get out of here!' so you ran after it you tripped over a tree root but you got back up and continued to follow the raccoon for what seemed like an hour, the raccoon soon lead you out of the forest.   you looked up to see a small but AWESOME looking city, the raccoon looked at you again and then just sat in front of you, you knelt down to be face to face with this fast little cute raccoon, then suddenly the raccoon became a human, "Now I'm taller." her voice was scratchy as if she'd lost her voice, she was short and she had short-ish black hair with bangs, her skin was grey but mixed with a light tan, she had a raccoon tail, and vampire-like teeth, with paws that had sharp claws, she wore a dark grey scarf and a grey t-shirt, with dark blue jeans and white socks with the welt part of the sock red and no shoes.  you were shocked, she seemed to be 13 or 14, 'Wha- Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! OoOoOoOoOhHhHh! You're new, shi- I mean gosh I'm so sorry!", the girl said as you stood up still shocked, "I'm Kai, and you are?", you looked at her then said, "I'm Y-Y/N...", Kai nodded her head as if she was making a mental note, "Welcome to Ally's World!", Kai said with her happy smile that seemed to happy, "Who's Ally?" you asked still confused and shocked, "Well shes Ally, here come with me I'll show you!", Kai answered happily as she held out her hand for you to grab it.  You looked at her paw-like hands then at her claws, she then spoke as she noticed you looking at her hand," I don't bite", she said showing her two sharp fangs, "I'm just messing with you."


1. You grab her hand.                                                                                    

you smile and grab her hand, she smiles back she leads you to a small house she nocks on the door  of the house                                                                                                                    

2. You don't grab her hand.

Kai just smiles a bit and says. "It's fine, just follow me." she lets you follow her to a small house, she nocks on the houses door                                                                                                

                                                                       (Options meet up here)                                                   

The door opens to reveal a tall woman and a short teenager, the woman had an empty bottle in her hand and she seemed to be a bit drunk she had on a yellow hoodie with blue mom jeans and brown boots, she had long hair, she was ginger and had  green-dyed hair covering her left eye, the teenager was smoking with a book filled with hentai in her hand, she had brown short hair with bangs, she had on a purple t-shirt that said 'Meme Queen' on it , she had cuts on her wrist and all up her arm, some were coved up with band-aids but most weren't, she had blue jeans on and white sneakers, she looked like she had not slept in year.     "Whos this?" The teenager said with her thick Norwegian accent, "Iris! Don't be rude, ask them who they are!" The woman said in her deep-ish voice it wasn't too deep that you would think shes a guy but it was still a bit deep but still sweet, "Ok, then who are you?", Iris asked once more."   "I'm Y/N." you said, "Nice, I'm Lizzy and this is Iris.",The woman said. Iris rolled her eyes as a way to say 'Hello" soon a small girl ran up to the door, she was short but not the shortest, the shortest was Iris then the girl, Kai, and Lizzy, but the girl's hair was down to the floor, she was wearing a black hoodie, very dark grey jeans with black boots and a pink flower in her hair behind her ear. "Hi! Your new right, heh well I already know that but um.....I'm Ally." Ally said nervously, "Hi I'm Y/-.", Ally cut you off, "Your Y/N L/N, right?", Ally said she was talking a bit fast since she was nervous. "Yeah, I'm Y/N." you said, "Oh! Um please come in!" Ally said, "Oh ok..." You say smiling awkwardly at everyone."Nice welcome Ally.", Iris mumbles under her breath then she rolls her eyes. "Hey don't be mean to Ally!" Lizzy said to Iris,"Fuc* you Lizzy!' Iris said as she punched Lizzy, they soon started to fistfight, Ally and Kai just watched, Kai then made popcorn "Is this normal?" you ask, "Yeah, so don't worry." Kai said, you did worry but you just nodded and watched them fight.          

                                                                            by --Smile--        

 word count, 1024                                                                                                                                                                Its 2:34 AM 

 To Be Continued...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

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