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"So after I got the news that you left me and this world. I couldn't take it, I put myself away for months. I visited for weeks, with letter telling your father To give them to you, I knew he wouldn't, so I gave your mom the ring that you gave me, hoping that maybe she could find yours and put them together, But your father came by one day, and he told my father and mother I was gay. And the reason you died.

They kicked me out. Disowned me. And left me alone with nothing. So that job I had while I was with you was because I had already planned on coming out, I needed the money because I knew their reaction. So I- I got the job for us to move away together. But you cheated and died. So I had to fend for myself." Taehyung explained drawing circle on jungkooks chest.
"Yoongi found out and he offered to let me stay in his one bedroom apartment. I ofc agreed. So him and I gotten closer. But one day, I got a call from a random number. It was your mother, she wanted to meet up. She told me that you had died, and I was always like a son to her, even if she didn't know we had that kind of relationship, she said she was moving and wished me the best of luck, she kissed my forehead and left. I didn't say anything because hearing that you were gone again tore me apart."
Jungkook nodded realizing that's why they had gone to busan. From what jk had told him.
"After That Everything got better,Yoongi job as a producer, don't tell him I told you, and my job as a drug dealer. We had a lot of money, but my parents send monthly amounts of money to me, like 50,000 a month, I don't why if they disowned me but they do, I don't use it though. I make my own. I'm just waiting until they stop.Then I saw you in class, well I thought I did."taehyung concluded.

"Jungkook had hugged tae so hard and cried,
"I'm sorry I left you alone for soo long baby, I'm sorry I didn't remember you"

"It's okay as long as you do now."

"Okay I'll tell you my side. Well what i can remember." Jungkook giggled. Taehyung missed Jungkook happy side since it wasn't a side he had seen in a while.
"I woke up, and it was completely dark. All I could do was hear. But then I heard your voice and I screamed and yelled out of joy, trying to talk to you. But something else came out and it was my voice but not what I was saying. That's when I met him. He was annoying.
"Shut up." Jungkook scrunched his eyebrows and looked up. Taehyung gave him a weird look.
"Sorry, the voices." Jungkook said impersonating his favorite villain. Taehyung giggles understanding since it worked in his case.
"Anyway" Jungkook said flicking his hair and smiling. Making taehyung laugh. "I was so happy to finally see you. Then I i noticed changes. Panda Express? Namjoon and Jin hyung? Yoongi hyung and jimin." Jungkook said making taehyung laugh because at the end of the day he is still same old Jungkook not calling jimin hyung. "School uniforms. And other things. My dad, just made me think I've missed four years of my whole life, important too, now I'm a senior about to finish highschool.?? All that anger built up. As I noticed changes and other things, and I took it all out on you and him. I'm sorry baby. I was mad. At myself because I cheated, broke you, broke me, and lost my life in a flash of an eye. Not only that I was replaced, by jk. That hurt tae, when you preferred a second me instead of the real me,-"
"Listen. I'm sorry I was crazy. Okay but that time in the hospital I swear baby I was never gonna hit you. It was jk he has control over my bash sometimes. He wanted you to hate me tae I promise."

"You both are crazy...." taehyung sighed. "Don't fight over me. I'm both of yours."
"Ok baby. I can live with that." Jungkook said pecking taehyungs lips.

They both fell asleep in each others arms.



Sorry for mistakes

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