Some Sketches From The Past Few Days UwU

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Yeh idk some scary shit xD I'm kinda proud of it

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Yeh idk some scary shit xD I'm kinda proud of it... Tho the pen I drew it with died after I finished... :(


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I also drew some other things but I didn't tale photos of 'em and my sketchbook is in one of the suitcases and I'm too lazy to get it... xc

(Yep, I'm at the airport rn)

The pictures kinda look the same, I just noticed... Welp I'm running out of ideas...

Aaaand I have a question: Should I write something about how I drew it or how long it took me under the pictures? Because I feel like the things I write rn kinda lack content xD Please tell me what I should write uwu

Ok so yeh bye

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