Chapter 1

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It was hard to grow up in my generation. We had so much pressure put on to us. All the weight of past generations is dropped onto our drooping shoulders. The generation was expected to have the future just lying in everyone’s hands. We were the start of something new. We had to come up with all the answers to the questions that were left unanswered in the past. We were expected to be smart. 

Most people believe we were put into this world just to mate and die. That seems to be our only purpose as humans. You have to try and stay alive till you find that one person, that one person that you end up spending the rest of your life with. After you find your mate, all you have to do now is wait till your life comes to an end. Isn’t that really all we live for? We live for death. We live for the big moments. We live for birth and birthdays, family reunions and weddings. This list goes on. But see, all of those things come to an end. We live for time passing. Is there even a point?

Living wouldn’t be so confusing if we knew there was a life after death. Yes, we have beliefs and religion that make people believe such things, but there isn’t a for sure. So, I’m here to tell you there is.

Sort of.

Hi. My name is Ciara Holcomb. Before I died, I didn’t know what to believe. Everyone seemed to be put into categories that determined how he or she thought life began and how it will end. I never knew how. It’s not as easy as it seems, yet it’s not as confusing as some people thought.

There is a life after death. I guess it’s sort of a heaven. If you think like me, a heaven would be a world where everyone was happy. No issues and no troublesome decisions.

After you die, you are back to you. You live in the same world. Everyone who is still living you see. Everyone who has died, you see. We are all in the same world. The living can’t see you, though. You are essentially a ghost. You can walk through someone and you can basically “float.” It’s almost as if nothing changed. Yet, you can only speak to the dead. The livings are just there. The livings are just living, waiting till they die so they can join you in your second life. You live behind the world of the living. You don’t age. You stay who you are. Strange, isn’t it? You probably expected me to go on and tell you that after you die you rise to the sun and enter through golden gates in a floating cloudland. That’s what everyone seems to think, that all will be good after you die.

Right after you die you wake up in jail cell type room. You wake up on a metal cot, with one metal door in front of you. It's cold. The air is brisk and you are still wearing the last outfit before you passed. There is a nightstand beside your bed containing a book. The book varies in size. However many years you lived is however many chapters there are in the book. This book tells you your life story. Down to every last detail. I was 18 when I died, so my book had 18 chapters. I assumed I would have a shorter book than most, considering there were only 18 chapters. Though, apparently I had a lot to tell. The door won't open until you read your book. It's scary. You overview your whole life. I wasn’t a normal 18 year old. You could say I was special. On my 15th birthday I was diagnosed with breast cancer. After there was a present tumor in my breast, the breast cancer spread to many sites in my body and created enough tumor burden so that I was physiologically overwhelmed, and I become cachectic and I was susceptible to secondary illnesses like infections which ultimately lead to my demise. Yet, after this occurred, which was when I was 16, the doctor said I had about a week to live. Weird as it seemed I lasted another two years, and the breast cancer didn’t kill me. Something else did.

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