day 1

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Kiara pov

"I'm gonna miss you so fucking much" my best friend Nikkie said as she helps pack the last few things into the back of a massive van that Mr Holder gave us to use to get there "I'm gonna miss you too" I say as I close the door and turn to hug her

"Girls its only a 3 hour drive away not a different country " my mom says as she closes the door to our old house and walks down the path "you can come whenever you want to nikkie" she says giving us a friendly smile and we give her one back even though we dont mean it at all

"I'll see you soon" I say and pull her in for another hug then walk to the car and hop in the back not wanting to sit in the front "everything will be fine hun" my mother says as she starts up the car and starts to drive , I have the mind to snap at her but I don't , she deserves to be happy for once

It destroyed her when my so called father left her for a younger woman , he's tired reaching out to me with his new girlfriend and her son but I want nothing to do with them after what he did my mom and I haven't seen him since , my mom got custody of me so she's never forced me to see him because she knows I don't want to

It took about a 2 years for her to get over it all and another 2 till she found the man she's now marrying in 6 months , I was 14 when they met  now I'm 17 and they are getting married , he's apparently already got a kid who's a lot older than me , 22 I think that's his age so he's good year's 5 older than me

I Kinda passed out in the car because Nikkie and I were up all night last night so I didn't get sleep and I'm hella tried so you can't blame me for getting some sleep , the feeling of her tapping my leg wakes me up and puts my attention her "we're here" she says and the car comes to a stop

I take the seat belt off and hop out the car to stretch but stop when I see the mountain of a house in front of me "you're kidding right" I say looking at my mom and she laughs while shaking her head and seconds later out comes her future husband with a smile across his face

"Ladies ladies welcome home" he says and before I can react he's squishing me in his arms "can't breath" I say making him laugh as he lets go "sorry sweetie" he says with a laugh "TAYLER BRYCE GET OUT HERE" he says yelling two names making me extremely confused

"Hold on you said there's one not two" I say making my mom laugh a she opens the back of the car "there is , Bryce is Tayler's best friend" she says clearing up my confusion a bit "hey Kristina" a voice says making me look over my shoulder to see two tall guys walking towards us and holy good god

As they each us they walk over to my mom and greet her with warm hugs she stands just at their shoulder and I'm slightly shorter than her so they are a lot taller than me "boys this is Kiara" his dad says and their attention is instantly on me

"Hi I'm Tayler , this is Bryce" the one with black hair and hazel eyes with an adorable smile says as he walks over to me proving me right on the fact that they are a lot taller than I was "hi" I say with a friendly smile trying not trip over my tounge over how god looking he is

Yeah yeah I know he's gonna be my brother and whatever but hell this boy is hot "Tayler don't you want to show Kiara the room she's staying in" his dad said getting his attention "yea man I'll help unpack so long" the other guy said who's just as tall as him

"Sure if you want" he said Looking back at me with a friendly smile "yeah why not" I say returning the smile and lead me to the front door where he pushed I open and the house inside is even bigger than it is outside "oh come on" I say shocked at the size making him laugh

"The rooms are upstairs" he says still laughing slightly at my surprise , I follow him up the stairs and it takes a good 15 seconds till we get to the second floor then over to a stair case that spirals upwards which leads to the third floor

"So there 3 rooms on the middle part one where our parents sleep the other is an office and the third is a study then this floor has my room which is this one" he says tapping on a closed door and I'm still trying to take in the pure size f the house

"And this is yours , it was my study from when I was in school but it's been empty for the past 3 or so years" he says then turns the handle and walks in , the room is 5 times bigger than my old one , it has a massive window view  , a walk in closet and a bathroom

"This is madness , this one room is half pm my old house" I say making him laugh and hand an arm over my shoulder "well if you think this is madness , wait till tomorrow when we go to the mall to fill it up" he says then walks back over to the door "come on then" he says with laughter still playing on his voice and I follow him back out to the car

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