Magical Night Part 2

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I was charmed by the way he was looking at me with a smile. And the second he finished to wish me a happy birthday i didn't hesitate to hug him and take a photo with him and said " you always were my reason to smile and are my reason to smile and will forever be. I love you more than anything" than he kissed me on my cheek and hugged me i was  freaking out and crieddd a lot and when he did that i said without even thinking:" Holy mother of god did just Peter Raul Mendes kissed me and hugged me, i can't breath imma die" And evryone started laughing than i went back to the floor fangirling and singing the loudest possible with tears of joy.
When the concert finished i went to the backstage because i have VIP tickets. And when i saw shawn i said:"thanks for this amazing surprise you made this night the best night of my entire life i love you more than you can imagine"
He replied :" i -
" MARGUERITA MARGUERITA wake up you're late you have a piano exam did you forget?" Said my mom who was waking me up.
Yes everything was a dream that that will never come true 💔

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2019 ⏰

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