Chapter 3!

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Carlos POV

"Why do I get butterflies around my girlfriend?" I type into my computer. Dude is sitting next to me and I turn back and look at him as I say "I see you reading over my shoulder." I pet him as Mal walks in and slams the door. She's pacing and breathing hard and she suddenly turns off the tv. "Woah. Easy girl." I say to her. She turns and looks at me and says "what? You think this is easy? You don't have reporters following you around with cameras in your face and asking how it feels to become a lady of the court every five minutes!" I look down and say "I'm sorry." She sighs as she said "Carlos don't you ever just miss running wild and screaming at people?" I shook my head and said "you're thinking of my mother and I was usually on the other end of that so no not really. Oh. Do you have it?" Mal nods and opens a little box to show a gummy inside. I smiled as I saw it and I went to grab it but I heard my door open. Chad walked in trying to be sneaky and when he turned around he stopped. I asked "Chad what are you doing here?" He said "well your printer is so much better than mine because you added all of these cool hacks and-" I shook my hand and said "where did you get a key from?" Chad smiles slightly and said "I printed it...while you were sleeping." I laughed sarcastically and said "get out! Now! And leave the key!" Chad put down the key and left. I looked back at Mal to grab the gummy until she said "hold on. Are you sure you want this because it's a truth gummy and it will make you say the truth no matter what and I know that if I took this right now I would be sent back to the isle..." I shook my head and said "yeah. I'll take my chances." Suddenly dude jumped up and ate the gummy. Mal gasped and said "no! Bad dog!" Dude shook as he said "man that thing was nasty! And you, you just gotta man up! You've been dating for months! How hard can it be? While your at it can you scratch my butt?" Mal said "you heard him. Scratch his butt." And then walked out. "Come on you scratch yours all the time." I shook my head and smiled.


It was Thursday so Mal and Ben went on a date, Evie and Doug were making dresses so I went to jay and Carlos's room. I knocked and walked in to see Jay wasn't in there but Carlos was on his computer. He looked up and smiled at me as he said "hey. How was the meeting?" I sighed as I sat on his bed behind him and rested my chin on his shoulder to see what he was looking at on his computer. I said "it was kind of stressful. They want me to help decorate but I have hundreds of other things to do." Carlos kisses my forehead and said "well I know whatever you do, it will be great." I smiled at him and rested my head on his shoulder. "Aww! You guys are cute! I always wanted to say that!" I screamed as I looked at dude and I said "did he just-" Carlos nodded and said "yep! He ate a potion that wasn't his!" Dude tilted his head and said "but it looked good! It was really nasty though!" I petted dude and smiled until Evie walked in. "Mals gone back to the isle." She said. Ben was with her and she said "come on Carlos, let's go." I stood up and said "well I'm coming." Carlos looked at me as he put on his leather jacket and said "negative. You are not." I crossed my arms and said "excuse me? Mals my best friend and me being in line for the throne I should go help my people!" He sighed and looked at Ben and he said "you know she's going to win right?" Carlos nodded and said "yeah I know." Evie Said "you can come but you're not going dressed like that."

He's mine PT. 2 / Carlos De Vil x reader! (COMPLETED!) Where stories live. Discover now