and I opp-

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The next day it was like fucking 12:00
(Lasy ass😄)
I wake up to hear the door being knocked on and I am like what the hell
Reyam then runs to the door
B-what are you doing I was about to answer that
R-well I answered it
B-so your telling me I got out of my bed for nothing
Then she opens the door......carlos then walks in
B-ew wth is he doing here
R-we are having brunch
B-Hahahahahahha bitch you might as well have lunch
She goes to her bathroom to finish getting ready
Me and carlos go to the living room
B-so where are you taking her
C-dave busters (idfk😄)
B-oh so you like to play games
C-yeah I guess
B-well she is not the one to be playing with.....oh and this is a package thing you want her you got to have me to.
C-ummmmmm ok
B-yeah if you hurt her I will kill you
B-ayayyayaysy I hope you understand
Then reyam walks in
R-hey I am ready
C-oh uh ummm ok
R-are you ok
B-bye have fun
They close the door and I go back to my room alex is still asleep like the fuck if I had to get up you have to get up
B-babe wake up
B-yes now or you dont get anything
A-looks like I aint getting anything bc I am tired as hell
B-srry not my fault
A-yes it is your fault you were the one couldnt walk and do shit your self.
B-I am sorry but arent you the one who made me to where I couldnt walk

A-shut up or I will do it again
B-not if you can't get my pants off
He then runs over to me
B-ok maybe you can lol hey I got you out of bed
A-omg no I am going back to bed
B-fine then don't ask me to go to the store to get you some hot Cheetos
A-fine but if I get up will you go get me some
B-hmmmmmmmmmmmmm maybe
A-yes or no
B-fine yes

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