Chapter 1

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June 3, 2012
Mccomb, ms

Kentrell age-12
Queen age-11

"He's upstairs waiting." He heard his mother say to her boyfriend for nearly two years now. Knowing the man knew he was in the room now, kentrell refused to come from hiding under his twin sized bed. He was terrified. He hated the people here, including his mom. It was her fault after all.

He soon heard the footsteps trailing up the staircase then down the hall, until they stopped in front of his door. His anxiety was thru the roof and his heart was beating so loud he was sure the man could hear it behind the closed door. He'd never been more scared in his twelve years of living.

The doorknob turned and the door slightly pushed open with the man's boot. He slowly walked in the room examining everything for a mistake that he could use against kentrell. The man knew exactly where kentrell was and kentrell knew there was no use of hiding but this is not something twelve year old boys get used to.

This was not something anybody could get used to. He'd wonder what he did the many times the man used his body for his pleasure. He was embarrassed. Embarrassed by the marks left, by his mother letting it happen and embarrassed that his only friend found out. He didn't want to seem weak in front of the girl so he always come up with excuses for his limps and black eyes.

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way, but either way its gonna get done. So you might as well come from under the bed and take it like the slut you are." The man's deep voice boomed through kentrell's small bedroom.
By now his glossy eyes had shed their tears as he slowly made his was from under the bed. The man was slightly disappointed kentrell obliged the first time but he would still punish him.

Kentrell stood in front the man with pleading eyes and shaking shoulders, in his mind begging god not to let this happen. But like any other time the man told him to 'strip' and get on his knees. Very slowly kentrell took off his clothes. He knew he couldn't fight the man who stood at 6 feet 2 inches, being that he tried many times before. Once he was out his clothes he stood in front the man with his head down refusing to get on his knees.

The man towered over him with an amused smirk, kentrell never failed to let him down. He unbuckled his belt and his pants before removing them from his body kicking them to the side. His member throbbing in his boxers as he stared down at the young boy.

"Get on your knees!" He said once again. Once he seen that kentrell wasn't moving he slapped the boy as hard as he could, the sound echoing thru the room, before grabbing his neck and collarbone area roughly shoving him onto his knees. He squeeze kentrell's cheeks until his lips slightly parted before shoving himself into the young boy's mouth. Kentrell immediately gagged, but his mind wasn't there anymore.

His mind was on the beautiful face of his best friend since birth. The only person who could make him happy. The only person who made him forget what he had to come home to. The only person he loved. He would do anything to ensure her safety. And that even includes what was happening to him right now. He didn't care because he knew she was home safe. Or so he thought...

Around the corner in the house of the person kentrell considered his best friend, were screams. Screams and cries, begs for mercy made by the eleven year old girl. Her life at home was no different from kentrell's. Everyday by her dad and her mom's sister, who is also her stepmom, she was being beat severely. She had no idea why her father just randomly started getting angry with her but when he did, there was no stopping him.

The only difference from their beatings is that Queen's father was smarter than his best friend. He knew to beat her under her clothes instead of her face. As you can tell his best friend, Micheal, didn't really care about being caught with kentrell. He felt no kind of remorse for what he'd been doing to his daughter for some time now time. Blaming her for her mother's death that she had no parts in.

The young girl was in pain. Her body and heart felt heavy because she couldn't tell anyone what was happening. She was very mature for her age and understood alot that even adults couldn't understand. She wanted so badly to open up to her best friend. She thought everything was okay with him at home until she overheard a conversation with her dad and micheal.

When she confronted him, for the first time in her life she'd seen him cry. He was always so strong and protective over her and to see him feeling weak hurt her to the core. He was the only person she loved besides her mother. She'd do anything for him simply because they were all they had.

She believes this was the first time she realized she'd do anything for kentrell. Even at her young age she knew she wanted to be his forever and stand by his side thru anything. At this moment, her getting beat and molested, him getting beat and raped, she promised herself and him, even thru this unbearable pain, that this would be they're last nights in those houses suffering.

She promised to she'd protect him thru anything. She promised that she'd loved him forever thru whatever no matter the situation. She promised his pain stops now. And lastly, she promises that this is only the beginning.

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