Chapter 2

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June 4, 2012
Mccomb, ms

Kentrell age- 12
Queen age- 11

Staring out window of her room watching the sun now rise, Queen had been up all night. She knew, she felt what she needed to do to keep her promise. She couldn't take it anymore. She couldn't take seeing the sad eyes of her best friend because of what was happening to him. She just wanted him safe.

Even if he would have told her himself, instead of her finding out differently, she still would never judge him. She couldn't find it in her heart to ever look at him as a threat, burden, or a nobody. There was no doubt of her feelings of him. She knew. And he knew. But the two were afraid of hurting the other that they never acted on what they were feeling.

She always told him, she would be with him forever. And she meant exactly that. And from what was bound to happen today he would believe it.

Kentrell, naked in a bloody sheet, bruised body, black eye. He couldn't wait till the sun came up so he could go out and be with his best friend. He could hear Micheal getting ready for work, and thats when he usually left being that his mom paid no attention to him.

All he knew was to be back before the street lights because if micheal had to come get him it would be worse. He just wanted this to be over.

After hearing the front door close and the car starting, he got up and limped to the bathroom preparing to take a quick shower.
He stood under the warm water watching as the blood went down the drain. He skin burned and his face hurt. He started to tear up thinking if his best friend was in this situation. How helpless he would be to her. She'd probably hate him for being so weak.

He quickly washed up and got out so he could see her. His Queen. He put on some black sweatpants and a white t-shirt before slipping on his slids, running down the stairs out the door. This was the first thing he looked forward to everyday.

Arriving at his best friend's house minutes later, he went to her window and looked inside. Slightly startled not expecting her to be looking out the window, staring into the distance. He wondered why she didn't move or even blink.

He lightly tapped on the window, knocking her out her trance. She blinked slowly before shifting her eyes to her best friend. Her eyes then moved to the lock on the window before moving her shaking arm to unlock it. Kentrell noticed her weird actions and shaking, wanting to know what was wrong.

Once the window was unlocked she moved to her closet picking out a different set of clothes for the day. Kentrell walked over to her bed watching her after he climbed thru the window. He could now tell something was seriously wrong because she didn't even acknowledge his presence.

"Queen." Silence. Now he was even more scared. Maybe she'd finally realize what was happening to him was disgusting? Did she not wanna be friends anymore? Do she not love him anymore? So many thoughts were running thru his head and not one was positive. He thought she'd finally grew tired of him like everyone else. He started crying.

She, in her closet heard her name but was still shook up by the events the previous night. Her father never touched her personal areas before then and it's honestly getting to her. She turned to walk out the closet after she put her clothes on but came to a halt when she heard a sob. Even though she only heard it once before she instantly knew it was her best friend. Running out the closet and to her bed, she quickly pulled him into her arms.

She instantly thought that it must've happened again last night, not knowing what was running thru her best friend's mind. He instantly latched his arms back around her and buried his face in her neck. He didn't wanna seem weak but he needed her. He literally felt there was no him without her.

"What's wrong? Please stop crying." She said starting to tear up. She couldn't stand seeing him so vulnerable. His cries were silent until they were just sniffs before she pulled away. "Tell me what's wrong kentrell."

"I thought you didn't want anything to do with me anymore. You didn't seem happy to see me. I thought you finally got tired of me." He said starting to tear up again. Just thinking about her leaving made him feel sick.

"Kentrell I would never leave you. I promise. I just have a lot to think about." After she finished talking he instantly attached his lips to hers. Her lips felt like heaven. He thought. He just needed the assurance that she would never leave him and he would be okay. He pulled away and put his head down blushing, while she wanted to feel them more. She hurried and turned he head the opposite way of him so he wouldn't see her cheeks. They're first kiss.

After a while of sitting in silence he finally spoke. "What were you thinking about so hard?" He question caused queen to freeze not really expecting him to say it. She looked into his eyes feeling nervous but she knew she could tell him anything. "If i tell you this, please dont be mad at me. I just didn't want you to worry about me." She said tearing up, thinking he would leave for not telling him.

He pulled her onto his lap and nodded for her to continue. "He's been beating me for a while now. Both of them. That's how i found out about micheal because i heard them laughing about it on the phone. He hits me in places where i can cover the bruises with clothes." Tears we're slowly falling down her face and kentrell. Kentrell was furious. "He touched me last night. He touched my girl part with his fingers. He put them inside me and it hurt so bad." His face softened. He knew she was scared because he remembered when micheal started, it was just fingers.

He wanted to do everything he could to protect her now. She felt the same way. She knew bringing her plan up with him and getting him to agree wouldn't be easy, but she wouldn't give up. "Kentrell we have to kill them." She stated. She expected him to lash out and look at her weirdly but he didn't. He just continued twisting the ends her hair on his fingers while she sat on his lap with her head on his shoulder. "I know." He whispered back softly.

He knew she was right. He knew they had to. He was ready. So was she.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2022 ⏰

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