ᴏɴᴇ ~ ᴄʜᴀɴᴄᴇ

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There was a girl in your class. She had short black hair, piercings under her lips, and what was most intriguing about her was the eyepatch that she wore. All you really knew about her was her name. Midari Ikishima.

A lot of people in your class avoided her at all cost, you guessed that it was partly because she's a member of the student council and partly due to her being a bit way too eccentric. She was strange, nonetheless, you couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity towards the girl. Just like how a moth is drawn towards light, you wanted to get closer to her.

Your interest in Midari, however, didn't outweigh the anxiety you felt whenever you would even dare to think about speaking to her. That was the reason why up until now, you still haven't been able to hold a conversation with her.

I just need it to be the right moment, and then maybe...

"Before we start I will be changing the seating arrangements since some of you seem to find it too hard to concentrate when being next to your friends." Your teacher announced, her gaze landing onto the unnamed culprits. You heard a few groans in response but no one argued back.

You didn't really mind since you didn't have any friends in your class. Sure, there were some people who you spoke to every now and then but, the only person who you would actually consider a real friend is in a different class. Patiently, you waited for your name to be called. As you watched from your desk, you could see how some students were visibly annoyed by the sudden change.

"Okay, next is (y/n). You can sit next to..."

Please let it be someone I can talk to. You mentally prayed, hoping that you weren't going to be seated next to one of the creepy guys in your class. You knew you shouldn't judge but there was just something about them that made you incredibly uncomfortable.

"You can sit next to Midari at back."

You felt your heart skip a beat.


You blinked, wondering if you misheard.

Did I hear that right? 

"Is there a problem, miss (l/n)?" Your teacher impatiently asked as if prompting you to move already.

You shook your head frantically, "No, nothing's wrong!"

Slowly, you made your way to your desk, still in disbelief that you've finally been given the perfect chance to talk to her. Still, that didn't make you any less nervous though. As you made your way to the seat, you could hear your classmates whispering amongst themselves.

"Does the teacher hate her that much?"

"Out of all the people here, I can't believe she would make (y/n) sit next to that psycho."

"I feel bad for her."

Ignoring their ramblings, you sat down at your new desk. You took a quick glance at Midari, only to find her already staring at you making eye contact. Honestly, you were a bit intimidated but, now that you've miraculously been given a chance, you made it your goal to at least talk to her today. You were about to say hello to her but she quickly turned away dismissively.

Did I just get ignored? 

You sighed, dejected that your attempt of trying to make a friend had failed even before you got to open your mouth. 

Or maybe she's shy around new people? 

You took another curious glance at her, wondering what she's thinking. 

Midari held a stoic expression as she stared blankly at the board, her head leaning on her hand. She looked bored and clearly uninterested in everything around her.

Nope, she's not shy. She's just not interested in speaking to me... Great...

You tried to focus your attention back to class although you were already so lost on what your teacher was saying. All you could do at that moment was pray that time would somehow speed up so you could go home.


The bell rang throughout the school signalling the end of another school day. 

Snapping you out of your train of thoughts, you packed up your things and briskly stood up. You felt like you were half-awake throughout the day so you already couldn't remember half of what you were taught.

Just as you were about to walk off, you heard someone call out from beside you.

"Oi, if you're gonna continue to stare at me, at least make it less obvious next time."

Those were the very first words Midari said to you.

You could feel your face heat up at the sudden mention that you had been caught staring, although you didn't do it intentionally. You must have been too caught up in your own thoughts during the lesson that you weren't even aware of your own actions and somehow ended up looking towards Midari's direction.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to, I was just daydreaming and I must have been looking your way without realising." You frantically apologised. Quickly, you placed your hands on your cheeks trying to cool them down whilst also trying to keep Midari from seeing how much you were blushing.

"Riiight." There was a hint of doubt in her reply though, she didn't press on any further. Without another word, she turned around and walked away.

I'm so stupid!


A/N: I've recently finished both seasons of Kakegurui and I'm honestly in love Midari. Since there aren't many fanfics about her, I decided to make one myself so I hope you enjoy... ^_^

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