Chapter 5

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Koko flicked her eyes open, the light almost blinding her as the sun shone through the window. She turned away, trying to cover her eyes from the harsh brightness.

"Joon, close the curtains!" She yelled, her eyes half closed. "It's too bright!"

Joon walked into the room, a tooth brush in hand. "You need to get up. You slept for almost twenty hours."

Koko sprung up, eyes now wide open. "Twenty hours?!"

"Yeah." Joon nodded. "You fell asleep yesterday at two."

"Are you sure you don't mean two am?" Koko asked skeptically.

Joon pursed his lips. "I'm sure. I meant two pm."

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?!" Koko panicked. She threw the covers off and jumped out of bed. "I don't need twenty hours of sleep!"

"Maybe you don't." Joon reasoned. "But it happened and it's over with now."

Koko sighed. "Did Taehyung leave yet?"

"Yeah, he left this morning around eight." Joon answered, putting down the tooth brush he still had.

"Good, now I can have my bed all to myself again." Koko smiled, already imagining how much space she'll have now that she's the only one in her bed.

"So lucky." Joon mumbled, walking out of the room and to the kitchen.

Koko skipped into the bathroom to get ready, first getting a shower then the rest following. After her shower, she changed and headed into the kitchen where Joon was cooking up some food.

"Whatcha making?" Koko asked, resting her elbow on the counter next to him.

Joon continued to stir whatever he had in the pot. "Just some noodles. Want some?"

"Sure." Koko smiled, grabbing a bowl from the cupboard to put it in. "Smells good."

Joon looked over to her, an eyebrow raised. "Thanks, but it's just noodles. Not too hard to cook. I can't cook anything else."

"I know." Koko chuckled. "I remember when you tried to cook kimchi jjigae. That didn't go too well..."

Joon scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Don't remind me. That wasn't my best moment."

Koko shook her head and went over to the fridge, picking out something to drink. Once she had picked out what she wanted, she sat at the table with her bowl and a smile on her face.

"I'm ready for my noodles, Mr. Chef." She said, loud enough to where Joon could hear.

He turned around, pot in hand. "Here you go, dear customer. Noodles at your service."

Koko lowered her head to smell the food. "Thank you, kind sir." She grabbed a pair of chopsticks and dug in.

Joon sat down opposite of her, grabbing a pair of chopsticks himself, before starting to eat. But instead of eating, he just looked at Koko, admiring her beauty. That's all he found himself doing these day. He just couldn't help it, she was so pretty and cute.

"Are you just gonna stare at me all day, or are you gonna eat?" Koko asked suddenly, breaking Joon from his trance.

"A-Ah, yeah. S-Sorry." Joon stuttered, getting some noodles between his chopsticks and actually eating this time. But even while eating, he still found a few seconds to get a quick glance at Koko.
so its much shorter now...
this story will be a shorter one so thats why
so since itll be shorter, im gonna make shorter chaps so i can get this book finished a little faster with only about 20 chaps or so

BUT that doesnt mean im going to make the chaps of any less quality
im still gonna make to chaps good for you guys (:

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