Why is this happening

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Marie is just 24 in the year 2026 she is small and slim with long blonde hair and grey blue eyes, she's watching the news hearing that more and more people are dying by this machine from Vexen Corp. "Are they actually dying because of that machine," she thought "what does it even do?"
Marie picked up her phone to look up what this machine does, what it's for, and why people are dying from it. The article she reads says that it's supposed to help cleanse the body and help with all the toxons. She wants to investigate this cleansing machine and see what really happens, so she calls up some family and friends to see if they'll help her.
Some of them agree and trust her, but there's one person she's hesitating on asking, she feels like they wouldn't believe her and she has liked this person since high school. She calls them up and they answer. "Hey Axel, she starts off "I need help, that machine that they say are killing people I don't think they're really killing people."
"Really, how are you gonna prove it you don't exactly have proof, do you?" He questions.
"No but that's what I want to do, but I need your help too I've already asked a few family members you're really the only friend I've asked so far." She explained.
"I'll help, but I better not die," he jokes "when do you plan on doing it anyways?"
"Maybe tomorrow if it works for everyone maybe the day after cause detective Sherlock Marie is on the case." She jokes.
"Ok detective see you then." He says.
It's starting to get late so Marie decides to get to bed she might have a busy day tomorrow. She's really glad Axel's gonna help along with her family; she does think Axel might secretly like her but who knows.

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