Chapter 38

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    The address lead to a simple house. No hidden shed, no villain's lair, no secret rabbit hole.

I rang the doorbell and waited impatiently, tapping my foot to ease my anxiety.

"Welcome mademoiselle" Zayn grinned as he opened the door.

I groaned loudly, what does this dude want with me.

Why can't he just leave me alone.

"What now?" I asked

"You got away last time, but the only way you're getting the next clue is if you stay the night."

He can't be serious.

I walked in harshly and went to the nearest sofa and pouted as I crossed my arms.

He chuckled at my actions before speaking, "no need to be all grumpy! This has all been very fun!"

I glared at him and went through all the scenarios of stuff he might need me for in my head. Nope. Nothing.

"What is it Zayn. What could you possibly want from me. You know what... I give up. How about you tell me what I need to do to get that damn clue!"

"Wow you really love the guy. Well that makes this even more fun." He laughed. God he's annoying. And gorgeous, but mostly annoying.

I rolled my eyes for the hundredth time today and was met with silence. He obviously wanted me to admit it to him or something. "Yes, Zayn of course. I've loved Harry since I was 10, news flash. What else is new?"

"Oof chill there little miss feisty. He's still under my control."

"Oh my god just tell me what I need to do for fuck sakes!" I screamed, tugging at my hair in an attempt to release some of my frustrations.

"Yea well Fine" he glared, "way to take the fun out of it. For starters, you're staying here for the night? And uh get up and make breakfast? Yea make breakfast in the morning and I'll verbally tell you the clue."

I cocked my head to the side and raised an eyebrow in confusion. "That's it?"

"I don't know! You took the fun out of it Jesus. I'm coming up with it as I go Okay."

Well for a criminal mastermind, he sure was unprepared.

I held back a grin at his stupid attempts of torture and nodded, while looking down to hide my amusement.

"So where do I go now?" I asked, feeling a lot more at ease knowing he won't be tearing my limbs apart.

"Go up to my room, it's very obviously my room you'll find it." He said like it was just implied with the whole ordeal.

I climbed up the stairs to where the rooms were. The first room was coloured red, there were all types of mini knives hanging from the decorations in it, the second room was coloured blue; this one was the strangest, it had no ceiling, the night sky was clear and it was freezing cold. You could simply feel the breeze just by walking past it. The third room was grey, it contained warning signs on the walls, but they weren't warnings for people to stay out of the grey room, but out of the next room which was coloured black.

The black room was gigantic. I was left speechless at the sight of it. The walls were completely black when you looked from the outside but completely white from the inside, every decoration, even the bed was coloured white. The door to the bathroom too was white. Everything was white but the windows. The windows were clamped and tinted black, it was completely opaque from both inside and out.

On the window was a huge sign reading "not everything is black and white" along with very small black and white pictures of fans of one direction from across the globe.

This most definitely was Zayn's room.

I walked in, almost creeped out by the atmosphere, but deciding to hold it together for Harry.

"Ah I see you found my room!" He said cheerfully while leaning on the door frame.

I laid down on the bed, looking up at the white ceiling, wondering what'll happen next,

"What are you doing? You're sleeping in the toilet!" My eyes grew wide from his remark before he burst out into a fit of laughter, "I'm kidding gosh take a joke!"

I rolled my eyes and moved to my side to avoid seeing him, trying to distance myself as much as I can from his side of the bed.

This is not supposed to be fun, this isn't a weekend getaway, so why was he acting so nice and making me laugh. If he really wanted to be nice he could just give me the address.

suddenly the bed shifted, signalling that he has laid down beside me.

"Why are you doing this, why did you even take Harry. You know, little kids look up to you."

"Oh please. Your perfect Harry isn't all so perfect. You've never been betrayed by people you trust the most in your life. They all got exactly what was coming to them. And besides, don't go soft on me and play the little kids card."

I decided to stay silent for the rest of the night, dozing off after a couple of hours.

I woke up remembering what was required for him to fulfil his little promise of giving me the hint.

I walked down and oh how I wished I could feed him poison with a side dish of poison, but I refrained and made him an omelet instead.

I put the omelet on the table harshly hoping the sound will wake him up since I had no intention to.

Lucky for me, he walked down the stairs a while later while I was chewing on my plate nonchalantly.

"Good girl!" He praised as I rolled my eyes.

"Give me the Clue Zayn."

This was honestly so useless, he really just wasted my night. We didn't even talk much and damn he could've asked one of his many maids to cook him breakfast.

A normal guy would ask you out on a date, but then again, none of the guys in my life are normal.

"Good girls say please." He jokingly pouted.

"Please pass me the fucking clue Malik" I demanded.

"Fine don't get all pissy on me." He finally cleared his throat, deciding to enlighten me, "Nice to see nice to hold, the jungles hard, and sure is cold. Little shed, little storm. Better get there by midnight, or he's dead for sure."

"What the hell? That's literally a death sentence and nothing else!" I screamed, shocked and horrified

"Figure it out Barbie" He grinned.

"What do I have to do for you to just spill it Zayn!" I sighed,

He decided to take advantage of my vulnerability and said what I least expected,
"Kiss me"

Well... might as well get it over with.

my father once told me that if I fuck up a chore the first time, I'll have to do it again the second time, so you might as well do it perfectly the first time.

So I did everything in my power to only have to do this once and walked up to him quickly and kissed him.

I kissed him for a good 15 seconds before deciding he had enough and the shock on his face after I leaned back was hilarious.

If only I could take a picture.

I held back my laugh by biting my lips, "give me the damn location. Please" I smiled widely to accompany my pleads.

"Fine Lia. Westwood Jungle, 1Km deep. Hidden shed." He rolled his eyes

I could kiss him from excitement as I didn't even say goodbye and rushed out to the jungle.

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