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"RING! RING! RING!" the bell

Y/N's POV:

I get off the bus and wave to Yuvin, I straight forward run to my class hall. I stop infront of the door and exhausted, I open the door, the teacher and the students are looking at me.

MRS LEE: ouh, Y/N you're late today
Y/N: yeah, Im sorry *I bowed to him*
MRS LEE: its okay, we just gonna start our lesson. Please take your seat Y/N *he smile*

I walk to my seat and sit down taking out my books and note book, suddenly my deskmate pock my waist

Y/N: you scared me! what is it?
LISA: this topic is bored *she sigh*
Y/N: I know, but we still got go learn

I take out my pen and start writing notes while Mrs Lee are explaining.


After 4 hours, the class ended. I stand up and stretch my whole body, my stomach is trumbling because I didn't take breakfast or lunch yet. I hold my stomach and get out of the hall, as I was walking I saw a familiar face walking to my direction I take a better look and it was Yuvin

YUVIN: hey! *he pock my cheek*
Y/N: what are you doing in here?
YUVIN: I am new here and my dad sent me here because he got lot of works to do here in Seoul aish I just wanna go home and take a nap, Im hungry..
Y/N: ouh I see, umm Im hungry too *I pout to him* let's go the cafeteria

I grab his hand and pull him,


Y/N: what there is no seat?
YUVIN: there! *he point his finger to the empty table beside the glass wall*
Y/N: you smart boy! *chuckles*

We both walk to the table, I sit down and look at the que line. I sigh and hit my forehead. Yuvin look at me

YUVIN: its okay, I'll take the order and food for you! *he smile to me brightly*
Y/N: really!? okay then I want the one set tteokbokki and coke! thank you Yuvin hehe
YUVIN: my pleasure, for you I can do everything hehe
Y/N: tsk, such a flirty

He walk away and que up at the line, I check through my phone and Namjoon text me


Playboy Joon:
I'll pick you up at 6.

so latee! can you just pick me up early ? 😒

Playboy Joon:
stfu, remember you're my wife!

soon I will not be yours anymore.

Playboy Joon:
what do you mean!?
Playboy Joon:
what are you thinking you doing!?
Playboy Joon:


I sigh and off my phone, I put my head on the table stressed. I look at outside, the view is so nice and the wether is sunny today. As I was looking at the view I saw someone its a guy with black hoodie and mask staring at me. I get up and take a better look at him.

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