Chapter 2. The News

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When twelve o'clock finally came, Emi was tired and worn out from the mornings work. Though she longed for a nap, one of the guards was escorting her to the throne room, where her father is. Occasionally her father would call Emi to speak, but never for a friendly catch up tea time. But rather to scold her or give orders on how to be a better example for the kingdom. Emi's father was never a good father. Always focused on ruling a kingdom, and not comforting his daughter. Emi's mother died shortly after Emi was born, and her step mother was only a mother in name, and not in relationship. So Emi had to rely on her maids to help nurture her and grow into the strong women she is today.
The doors to the throne room open as she hesitantly walks inside. Her father sitting in the big velvet red chair looks down on her, as she bows in respect.
"Father" She greets him. She speaks no more as she waits to be spoken to.
"Princess Emi, I have great news" The King stands from his chair smiling in excitement.
"F-father?" Emi steps back, stuttering in confusion.
"Hmm, my darling! We have found a way to end this wretched war once and for all!" Emi's father's voice echos through the room, deep and controlling.
"You... you have?? Father, what do you mean?! Why call me here to tell me as such....?" Emi looks up to him to see a disappointed and annoyed face." Emi falters, "Y-your Grace..." She added on.
"Emi". He calls her name standing above her, proud and determined.
"Fa-father...?" Emi heart is flying in her chest, she's shaking all over and she felt herself go pale as the King said his next words.
"You are to marry Prince Roman. The next in line for King and leader of the Morath. The wedding will take place in Druidia this Friday, and you shall leave immediately to meet your fiancé".
Emi stood there in terror. Married? To a man she did not love... a man who has been killing her people for decades! "B-but Father?!? Prince Roman, he.. he's a Monster! How could you do this!?!!! I will never-" a quick burning sensation on her cheek silences her instantly. Her fathers hand still hovering over her face. When had he gotten so close?
"You shall do as I say and nonetheless. What you are doing is for the good of our people! Now will you stand up and so what is right?! Or you will run away... like a coward" The last word sent chills through her spine as it carried throughout the room.
Withholding tears in her eyes, she staggered getting up, still holding her cheek with her hands. "Y-yes... fa-father" Her knees felt weak and she looked down terrified of whats to come.
"Leave. Go pack your things, the carriage is on its way". The King turned around and walked back to his throne.
As Emi walked back to her room her thoughts filled with the words from Adam. The full moon is on Friday... and instead of running away with the on she truly loves, she will be getting married to the Prince of Demons.
When she got to her room, she threw herself onto the bed. Holding Adams note in one hand and burring her face into her pillow. She wept and wept until it was time to go.

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