Chapter 1

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"And that's all there is too it class! Now the trip is on Friday, so make sure you're already packed! See you all tomorrow!" Mr. Camden told the class before everyone began packing up. Hayley sighed closing her notebook and packing it in her bag. Students poured out of the classroom.

Hayley was happy to be finally getting out of history. She just wanted to go home and practice with her band. She hadn't wanted to go on the class trip that was coming up on Friday but her parents insisted that she go. That'd it'd be a good experience for her.

Hayley put on her headphones and started scrolling through her playlist. Unable to choose she just hit shuffle causing it to land on Pink Triangle by Weezer. Hayley began humming along to the music as she walked down the hall. She even did a few cute dance  moves.

A few of the students gave her weird looks. She eventually tripped, falling to the ground and causing her headphones to disconnect and her music to play out loud. I'm dumb, she's a lesbian! I thought I had fou—

Laughter flooded the hallway over powering the sound of  her music. Hayley's winced in pain as she was on the ground. She looked up seeing a pair of long legs in front of her. She gulped as her eyes trailed up their body to see who those legs belong to. She found that she was staring back at Taylor Swift, one of the most popular girls in school. Hayley felt that she was sinking into the girl's ocean blue eyes. Wait...what? No! She totally didn't just think that. Taylor was mean! Mean mean mean.

Taylor looked down at Hayley with a mean smirk. "Why don't you watch where you're going Pink Triangle?" She laughed causing everyone in the hallway to laugh. Taylor looked around smiling at everyone's reactions. Hayley quickly reached for her phone pausing her music and getting up. She could feel the anger swelling inside.

She just needed to go home. She didn't want to be here anymore. She pushed past Taylor storming off. She wasn't sure what made her look back but she turned around and that smirk was no longer on Taylor's face. Her expression seemed softer but still unreadable.

"But I'm a creeeeeep. I'm a weiirdooo. What the hell am I doing here?" Hayley sang into the mic as her band played in the background. They all wore different colored flannels. They had all agreed to make it their trademark.

When they stopped playing they placed their instruments down. "I think we should cover a Weezer song." Allison, the bassist suggested. "Come on Allie, we've been over this. We're covering Creep. It's a good song." Hayley replied. "I say we do Smells Like Teen Spirit!" Nikki, their drummer chimed in. "You guys are killing me!" Hayley cried.

Nikki used one of her drumsticks pretending it was a knife and pretended  to stab Hayley with it. This caused all of the girls to break into a fit of laughter. Hayley smiles at them. "I love you guys" Hayley laughed. It was true, she did. She had known them since 7th grade.

Hayley sat on the couch watching Buffy reruns.  She had rewatched the show over ten times and could still watch it a hundred more. Hayley picked up her phone scrolling through her Instagram feed. She liked a few of her friends posts but stopped when she came across Taylor's post. It was a picture of her and her boyfriend Dylan at a party with his arm around her. Dylan was the captain of the football team and a total dick. According to word of mouth and Taylor had been dating for about a month.

"Gross" Hayley thought, scrolling past the picture. She wasn't sure why a small part of her was disappointed after seeing the picture. Why would she be? Taylor had been mean to her all throughout high school. "Hey champ, dinner's ready!" Her father called from the kitchen suddenly snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Hey are you ready?" Hayley's friend Noah asked coming up to her locker. "Yeah, let me put my stuff away then I'll be ready" Hayley replied putting a way her books. It was Friday and school had ended. They were getting ready to go to the hotel for the class field trip to Beach City. It was the closest to a vacation that the state of Indiana had. The school had thrown a car wash fundraiser and managed to raise enough funds for the field trip. Maybe they had gotten a little help from Taylor's rich parents.

Noah was one of Hayley's best friends. That had known each other since freshman year. Noah was one of the sweetest guys ever. He loved making people laugh and was always dressed in 90s grunge clothing. They dressed pretty similar. They made their way to the parking lot climbing into his car. Students were ready loading up on the bus.

"Sure you don't want to take the bus? I mean, it looks like a pretty sweet ride." Noah joked. This caused Hayley to chuckle followed by her shooting him a look. "Are you kidding? I'd rather kiss Taylor!" She laughed. Suddenly Hayley's widened realizing what she just said. Looking over at Noah she noticed he looked like he was trying to hold back a laugh.

Hayley wasn't sure why she had grown nervous all of a sudden. She felt like it was over 100 degrees in that car. "I'm sure you would." Noah mumbled. Hayley punched his arm causing him to cry out in pain. "Drive asshole!" She said trying to forget what just came out of her mouth.

Noah turned on the radio. Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day started playing as he pulled out of the parking lot. What was with these thoughts lately? Sure she was gay, but she wasn't gay for her.

Everyone stood in the lobby of the fancy hotel as their teacher made sure that everyone was present. After all of the names were called they began assigning rooms. Hayley had to admit that she was nervous. She didn't really like any of the girls in her class so she wasn't too fond of having a roommate. Maybe she could talk to the teacher about having her own room.

She heard giggling and followed the noise. Taylor stood surrounded by her boyfriend Dylan and friends. Taylor was wearing a red vintage dress with white polka dots and a black headband in her hair. Hayley could see Dylan's hand on her ass. Hayley rolled her eyes. She hoped that she wouldn't be sharing a room.

Her friends cheered when they ended up sharing a room together. Taylor's boyfriend ended up sharing a room with one of his buddies on the football team. "Rad!" Dylan said. "Taylor you'll be sharing a room with Hayley!" Mr. Camden said. Hayley's stomach dropped. She couldn't believe what had just happened. Apparently the universe had a twisted sense of humor.

"Are you kidding me?!!" Taylor gasped in horror. Hayley looked over at Noah who was snickering. She covered her eyes. "I can't share a room with pink triangle!" Taylor cried. "You can and you will Ms. Swift." Mr. Camden replied. Within seconds Taylor's posse was consoling her.

After all the rooms had been called students started going upstairs. "What just happened?" Hayley asked still in shock. "You just became roommates with your girlfriend." Noah teased. "Dude, she's not my girlfriend. Besides she absolutely hates me." Hayley replied. "Why does she have to be my roommate?" Hayley sighed in defeat. "Well would you rather have uhauled with Bible Thumping Thelma?" Noah asked motioning over to their classmate Thelma who was following her roommate much too closely with her bible clutched in her hand.

"SEEK REPENTANCE YOU LOST SOUL FOR HE IS THE LORD!" She shouted aggressively. Her roomstte looked horrified as she picked up her pace and rushed toward the elevator. Hayley's eyes widened in horror. "I—" Hayley began but was soon interrupted with an all too familiar voice.

She was now face to face with Taylor who had came over. Hayley wasn't sure why her heart rate picked up and she felt the need to play it cool. She gave Taylor a weak smirk as if she wasn't internally screaming in horror. "Sup....Taylor. Guess we're roomies." Hayley managed to get out. Taylor shot her a death glare. "Sup?" Taylor asked sounding annoyed with her greeting.

Hayley thought she would drop dead right there. Taylor smelled nice. Like vanilla. Wait, why was she thinking of her like this? She totally hated her. She wasn't going to show Taylor that she was nervous. That would only make her win. "Listen Pink Triangle, I'm not too thrilled about sharing a room with you so don't even think about pulling any of your sapphic moves on me because I'm not interested, got it?" Taylor asked stepping closer to her.

Their faces were only a few inches apart and Hayley thought she'd faint. She couldn't show the blonde that she was nervous. "Whatever you say princess" Hayley replied boldly with a smirk. Hayley could have sworn Taylor glanced down at her lips for a second. Noah thought this was hilarious and broke into laughter. Taylor gave her a look of disbelief. "DON'T CALL ME THAT!" Taylor shouted before storming off.

"So it begins" Hayley commented. This would be an interesting field trip that was sure. Hayley put on her headphones as she made her way upstairs with her luggage. Boyfriend by Best Coast played in her ears. She sang along to the music wondering what the universe had had in store for her.

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