The Worst Story Ever

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A young man was touring an insane asylum. He was the last in the line. He and his squad walked past a caged off section, but just as the guide took them away to see something else, a hand reached out and grabbed the man and held his mouth shut to keep him from screaming. He strangled the arm, but it was too strong. However, he was able to get a glimpse of the figure in which it belonged to.
When the squad was nowhere to be seen, the arm lessened his grasp a bit. Scott tried to squirm free but it still had him tight.
"I know what you want." The voice came from inside the cage. It sounded pitchy.
The arm moved down to hold Scott by the neck.
"If you yell, I'll kill."
"Please, please let me go!" Scott choked.
The hand squeezed tighter. "Did you hear me?!"
Scott pressed his lips shut and whimpered.
"...What is your name?"
"Um...I'm Scott."
"Well Scott, can I trust you?"
Scott for some reason didn't know how to respond.
"Answer me boy!"
Gently, the arm let loose.
"W-what do you want fro-"
"Shut your face!" The voice was stern as it snapped back. "Unlock me."
"Do you have to repeat everything I say? Unlock me!"
"H-how do I-"
Just as planned, the arm shoved a rusty old key in Scott's face. Scott said nothing as he opened the door, terrified of what could happen.
"There you are." he said as he pulled open the door. Nothing. The person didn't come out.
"Um...are you ok-AGH!" The arm grabbed him by the neck and pulled him in. He was thrown into a brick wall, as it seemed, and felt a streak of blood run down his left temple. Ignorant of the pain, he scrambled back into the wall as the figure approached him. It kicked Scott is the ribs and made him scream. Scott pulled his leg out from under him and kicked at the figure. He supposedly got its  knees because the kick sent the person flying to the ground. It tried to get back up, but luckily, Scott was much larger and threw his sore body over it. He wrestled it and beat it until he felt its body go limp under him. That's when bright white lights in the asylum chambers flickered on. Once his eyes adjusted, Scott got over and kneeled next to the figure. He gasped with what he saw.

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