A Mage's Waltz part 2

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Ugh. I realized that the last chapter was ssooooo short. I write more. I'm veery sorry.


"YEAH!!! THIS IS THE BEST!!!" Natsu shouted, already diving towards the food platters. Lucy sighed, attempting to drag Natsu away. Mirajane looked around and saw ALOT of other people. She remembered! Using the Mayor's mansion for the ball wasn't a gift, it was a JOB! She gasped, rummaged through her bra, and pulled out a piece of paper. It stated that the Mayor wanted to get rid of the pesky reporters by giving them what they wanted. A story on Fairy Tail's comeback. She panicked and looked around, hoping no one noticed the cameras flashing and the CROWDS of annoying reporters around them. She chuckled nervously to herself. Natsu and Grey were completely unaware of the numerous people asking the, questions. On the other hand, the others were starting to yell the reporters. Gajeel and was threatening a reporter for asking Levy about the swimsuit contest. "You little bastard, I'll kill you and get rid of those pe edged eyes." Gajeel was held back by Levy, "Gajeel, I'm okay! Just don't hurt anybody." Levy smiled and made Gajeel blush, slightly embarrassed. "You shrimp, letting do whatever they want." Gajeel huffed, turning away to hide his redness. Levy hit hi on the back, "I not a shrimp!" Gajeel stared at her chest. Levy squeaked and covered herself, clearly knew what he was thinking.

Mirajane watched from a distance, quietly giggling to herself. The mayor walked towards her. He asked, "Why isn't anybody answering the reporters?"

Mirajane, quick to make a cute pose and voice said, "Ohhhhhh, I'm soooo sorry Mr. mayorrrr, I thought you gave us your mansion for a ball. Could you ever forgive me?" Mirajane batted her eyelashes. The mayor walked away, dazed by the sudden attraction and mumbled, "Oh, Ye! A gift..he he......."

Mirajane clapped her hands, satisfied with her acting. A shadow loomed over her. She turned, facing Laxus. "Stop acting like a prostitute, damn. I could have just beat him." Laxus cracked his knuckles. Mirajane blushed, embarrassed that he had seen that. In actuality, Laxus wished she acted like that with him.

Grey was chowing down on some beef, when he caught Juvia bending over next to him, amazed at his ability to eat so fast. He smiled, with food still in his mouth. She blushed and quietly handed him a napkin. "Thanks." He said.

"Juvia thinks Grey should eat slower. He could get hurt."Juvia stated while sitting at a table. Grey also sat down, "Nah, I'm too hungry to do that. Besides, why aren't you eating?" Juvia observed him. When she didn't reply, he grunted and got up to talk to Natsu. Juvia sighed. That's when Grey realized something was wrong. Why did she seem so sad? Was it because he ate to fast? The ball? Not to be boastful or anything, but Grey also contemplated Juvia being sad about not getting close to him. Grey coughed at his thoughts.

Choking, Juiva quickly poured some water for him.

"Lucy! Could you help with my food?" Lucy nodded halfway turning towards him, and stared. "WHY DO YOU HAVE SO MUCH FOOD" Lucy yelled. Natsu was dragging a huge platter of meat. Laxus kicked Natsu away from the bag. "Like Hell In GONNA let you have this!" Gajeel pounded Laxus' head, stunning him momentarily. "What about? Gehee!" The three dragon slayers wrestled next to the meat, why Carla flew down with Wendy and both of them grabbed the platter. Everybody watched in awe as Wendy flew up to the pillars and sat with Romeo, who was elastic, "Yes! Thanks!" Romeo said before digging in. Wendy took a steak from the plate and blushed.

Evergreen puffed. She wanted something OTHER than a scalar to eat. But then again, she didn't want to bother anyone. Elfman was blushing, awkward, talking to random people so he wouldn't have an awkward conversation with Ever. Ever smiled, glad she could still make him flustered in THIS state. She STILL didn't have her glasses, and looking cute was beyond embarrassing!! A flock of poor reporters were getting beat up by Gajeel and Lacus, and her recent personality urged her to help them. She shuffled over and lent a hand to a young man. He was cute, barely agitated by Laxus' cursing. Ever scolded Laxus, "That's not how we should treat fellow guests!" She turned around and smiled graciously, "I'm sorry! Our guild is a little rough, so if you could please forgive them and not put this in the paper, I would be eternally grateful!" The reporter wasn't listening, staring at smile, and her delicate hands tapping his shoulder.

Ever looked at him curiously, while Elfman was steaming from afar. "I can't believe this, it's not what a man's about." He growled. He marched over and grabbed Ever. The reporter snapped out of his daze and scowled at Elfman, immediately regretting that decision when he realized how tall Elfman was. The reporter chuckled nervously, slowly inching through the exit door until they couldn't see him anymore.


At first, everybody didn't know what to do. It was quite awkward, as people slowly began to pair up. Mirajane and Laxus were first to touch the floor. They waltzed slowly but gracefully, taking careful steps so they wouldn't step on eachother's feet. Mirajane posed for a reporter, bending backwards, pushing her chest onto Laxus. He blushed, right when the camera's flash went off. He growled at the reporter, but Mirjane calmed him down. "Now now, it was my fault The reporters were here so the least I can do is give them a article," mirajane reasoned. Laxus kept dancing, jaw set and staring at Mira's pouty face. 'So pretty..." Laxus thought.

Everybody joined Mirajne and Laxus. Wendy and Romeo looked awkward as ever, dawdling on the rim of the floor, not knowing how to dance. Wendy blushed embarrassingly every time she stepped or kicked him. Romeo grimaced, not wanting to upset her.

Master laughed at them, telling Romeo, "Good job Romeo! Be a gentleman!" Master laughed. Romeo blushed, and this time yelped as Wendy AGAIN stepped on him ankle. "S-sorry!" Wendy stuttered. Carla flew over them, sighing deeply.

It was weird, seeing everybody not drinking, partying, but nothing was heard other than the low chatter of the couples. The music was very sappy, but nobody noticed. Lily, Carla, and Happy sat on the high window sill, "Wow, I didn't think this would work," Lily said amazed. "Me niether, but I have nothing to object to," Carla breathed. "I can't wait for them to go to the beach!" Carla and Lily looked Happy in astonishment. "THE BEACH?!" Happy was fast asleep, avoiding the situation.



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