Chapter 3

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I woke up on a strange bed, in a house that was all too foreign to me. I don't mean my new house either. I struggled to sit up, a blanket slipping down my arms. I looked around, feeling my head throb incessantly. I groaned, touching my fingers to my head. A thick bandage covered the right side of my forehead. I looked around the room, realising I was probably in a boys room. I concurred this thought because of the many trophies and posters lining the walls. A nervous thought fluttered at the bottom of my stomach. What did I get myself into? I swung my leg over the edge of the bed, bending to pick up the blanket on the floor.

"Hey." Said a warm southern voice from behind me. I froze into a rigid stance. "Nice to see you awake, for a second there I thought you were hurt worse than I expected." I didn't dare turn around. I could already feel the heat flushing my face, I recalled my mishap, and the puking on the floor. Very memorable in all the wrong ways. I never was very sociable, and I hadn't dated before. I didn't think this would help. I heard the steps that brought him behind me.

"Hey, you okay?" He breathed, the warmth tickling the back of my neck. I shivered. He grabbed my hand, and suddenly I was unfrozen and facing him. He was handsome in a roguish way, masculine rather than the feminine look boys seemed to prefer now. He did not look my age either, more like twenty than seventeen.

"I'm fine. I think I'll just go home now." I said trying to rescue my hand from his warm grip. My heart frazzled when he hung on to my pointer finger, refusing to let go.

"Oh no you can't, not without someone to watch you. You have a concussion, and your Mother is not currently home."  He said swinging my hand a little. I frowned, remembering that my mother would indeed not be back until late tomorrow. I wondered why he didn't let my hand go already and realized with a faint sense he was flirting with me. He smiled down at our hands, as if to confirm my suspicion. I pulled away, smoothing my hands on my jeans.

"What time is it?" I asked lightly, trying to recollect my thoughts. He grinned at me and my heart Ka-thumped against my breast bone.

"Ten-ish."He said taking a step closer to me. I stepped back, knocking into his night stand, then sitting to cover up my klutziness. He laughed, stepping away. My heart was pounding now, and I breathed deeply to silence it.

"Oh." Was my lame response. He gave me a look, like he knew what he was doing to me. A wicked grin spread across his face. He leaned forward, his face growing closer to mine with every second. I gasped a little, and he pulled back chuckling, holding a picture frame in his hand. I was honestly shocked, and undeniably outraged because he  was doing it on purpose.

That jerk.

 I looked down at the frame he held in his hand a saw all the information I needed to know.

 He was taken.

 Apparently he was open to cheating, which brought too many ugly memories of my father swishing through my head. I felt the betrayal all over again. A searing hate sliced through my abdomen and I shoved the boy away from me. He gave me a surprised look and I glared into his blue eyes. I stood straightening my already straight shirt, and promptly walked out his bedroom door. It was as if I was suddenly awake and aware.  I was in a strange house

 "Where are you going?" He asked. I didn't look at him.

"Home." I answered simply, but with enough venom to kill a man four times his size. He rolled his eyes.

"You can't-" He started. I cut him off sharply.

"I can, and I will. If you know what's best, you'll back off!" I told him. He muttered something about that being my official slogan, and hurried to catch up with me. I raced down the stairs and out the front door. I looked to the right, seeing my house looming through the trees. I heard the boy muttering and clomping down the steps. I took off through the trees that separated our homes not bothering to look back.


My feet pounded on the soft earth to the same beat as my head. I severely under estimated the distance between our houses. I didn't think i could keep running. I was starting to feel like I was going to vomit again. I looked behind me, slowing to take a breath when I saw he wasn't following. I bent over, gasping for breath. The undergrowth next to me started to rustle, and I took a step backwards, hoping beyond anything it was not a snake.

Suddenly, I was being body slammed from behind, then raised into the air. I screamed and kicked, thrashing every which way. 

"Let me go!" I screamed. He put a hand over my mouth. I licked his hand and he yanked away. I threw my elbow into his stomach. Pain laced through arm, my elbow felt like it connected with rock.

"Dear Lord! " I whimpered grabbing my arm.

"The hell is wrong with you?! Are all Californians like you?" He asked pulling me up. I glared at him before relaxing back into my skin. What the heck was wrong with me? I was acting all wonky, Im just going to chock it up to the concussion, because I couldn't even explain myself. I didn't answer him, and after a moment he sighed. He grabbed me by the arm, which I ripped from his touch.

"I can walk on my own." I hissed. I would not engage in any sort of friendship, including frenemies. I couldn't do it, I couldn't allow myself to end up like....

"Fine God, just making sure you don't make another prison break ya fruit loop." He grumbled. I gave him a look before marching back to his house.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2014 ⏰

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