6. ice skating, horror movies, and (almost) domestic bliss🖤 kirk hammett

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(Requested by hotrodhetfield!

Also, thanks to my bestie, PunkRokGirl13, for helping me out with the idea of this one by imparting me with her superb 'Tallica knowledge! She's the real MVP. 🖤)

"Come on; we've been here for half an hour already! Let go of the rail!"

"Okay, okay, just, -- aah, dammit, no!"

Kirk rolled his eyes as you grabbed back onto the rail at the edge of the rink.

He'd been gone for months upon months, touring strenuously with his band. When he came back earlier on in the weekend, the two of you agreed that his return was a cause for celebration, and that you ought to do something fun.

Apparently, Kirk's idea of fun was taking you to the ice skating rink that had recently opened near your apartment. What he didn't know, however, was that ice skating was far from being your forte; you slipped and slid like a newborn deer, screeching all the while. Finally, you'd found the railing and steadied yourself, -- problem was, you didn't seem to want to leave it, holding on for dear life. This hardly made for fun ice-skating conditions.

Still, he wasn't about to leave this rink without getting his money's worth. In Kirk's opinion, his money's worth included getting you to loosen up and enjoy yourself... Or at least move a little.

With that thought in mind, he glided towards where you stood, petrified, before lightly tugging at your arm. "Come on," he chided. "You're going skating."

You rolled your eyes at this statement, deciding to simply grip the railing tighter. "Ah, no..." You squeezed the side of the bar until your knuckles turned white as snow. "I'm not."

"Yes, you are," Kirk fired back. "Or else, I'll make you."

Before you could even get the slightest idea of what was happening, he grabbed you by the waist, taking you by surprise enough to make you abandon the rail. You squealed in protest, to no avail; soon enough, the two of you were on your way to the middle of the rink, Kirk's arm secured halfway across your waist.

On wobbling legs, you playfully attempted to free yourself from his grip. "Let me go!" you giggled. Kirk could only grin in response.

The cold air that kept the artificial ice at a reasonable temperature had caused your face to flush, your cheeks tinted rosy pink. Between that and the bundle of bulky winter clothing you'd wrapped yourself in for the occasion, you seemed so full of youth, innocent.


Kirk thought this, even as your skates seemed to slip out from under you, causing you to lose your footing.

You shrieked as you scrambled against the ice, but it was no use. Within a matter of seconds, you had fallen right on your ass onto the frozen surface. Your blush worsened about that, this time due only to pure embarrassment.

It didn't make it any better that Kirk was laughing hysterically at you.

Despite the annoyance burgeoning within you, you knew there was only one thing to be done about that.

You smirked as you reached out a hand for him to take. Without hesitation, Kirk extended his frigid fingers out to intertwine with yours, thinking you were simply looking for the support to steady yourself.

Little did he know that he would soon find himself in the very same predicament you were in, pulled down onto the ice to join you.

For just a brief second, a panicked gasp escaped his lips. But then, when you were both on the ground, the cold seeming to seep through the many layers you had bundled yourselves up in, he couldn't help but laugh.

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