11. I Hate You

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The pain was souring through my body. I got up, limping. Wendy ran into my room and laid on the floor. She's gotten closer to my family but still spends time with me. 

I went to take a shower. I turned the water cold, as the pain was getting stronger. I was trying to remember what had happened when the memories came flooding back. 

"Ew, it's him," they said. I ignored them as I went to get my things for class. My things got slapped out of hands, spread all over the floor. I looked to see Harvey, with an evil grin plastered on his face. 

"Go pick them up, looser," he said in my ears. "Let me help you a bit," he exclaimed as he pushed me to the floor. I landed on the opposite side of the hallway, against the walls. I saw how he and his friends were laughing. 

"Hurry up and pick them up," Mark exclaimed. I obeyed, keeping my head low. "You should die," he shouted. All three of them were laughing, but Harvey looked a bit uncomfortable. 

"Gladly," I smiled as I walked away. Harvey was obviously worried. He was following me, thinking I didn't see him, I pretended I didn't. 


The fifth period was pretty boring. I decided to skip the sixth period. I was walking around on the roof of the school when I saw Mark, Jamila, and Tyler come. 

"Where's Harvey?" I asked as I saw them walking towards me. 

"Well, we already know he still likes you, since you broke his heart. So we hate you more," Jamila stated.

"Why're you even in this?" I asked, wanting her to leave my business alone. 

"I've been in this ever since he became my boyfriend," she replied to my words, venom boiling in them. 

"He's not here because now we can see you plunge to your death," Mark joked. They all laughed. I want to see their reaction when I die, would they be happy? 

Tyler came and held me by my arms. "You're fucked," he whispered in my ears. I didn't care if someone beat me or killed me, I just don't like people touching my arms. I shivered, trying to move his hands off of me. I slap went to my face.

"Stop moving, before I kill you!" she shrieked. Mark moved her out of the way, he punches me in the stomach. I was biting my lip so I wouldn't shout, but I did anyway. "Shut up, idiot," she slaps me across the face again. 

They beat badly. By the end of it, my body was soaring with pain. I was left there and cried. They hadn't touched my face, except for the slaps. I was crying 'till the end of school. I tried getting up, but my arms gave up on me. I fell back down and continued to cry. My phone was in my locker so I could get help.

Someone gasped and I heard footsteps quickly getting louder, "Dominic," he said. It was Harvey, I could tell that voice from anywhere. I ignored his voice and continued to cry. He held me in his arms, I was trying to get out of his arms, I was a sobbing mess. 

"LET ME GO!" I shouted. I was trying to jump out of his grip. He can't care.

"I'm not going to leave you here," he said, calmly. Too calm.

I looked around, skeptical. "Why? We broke up," I said, still trying to pry his hands away, ignore the pain. 

"Correction, you broke up with me," he said. Placing me down, slowly. 

"I hate you, I was using you," I stated, trying to stand up. He stood up and walked away, looking away and looked back at me. Anger in his eyes.

"You're a bitch, I gave you a chance to fix the mistake you made," he paused, walking closer to me. I was terrified. I could see his heart shatter when I scooted back. "But you fucked up, big time," he walked away. 

"I hate you," I shouted. He turned around and smiled.

"Good, because now there's nothing between us because I hate you too." he walked away. Leaving me alone, which is what I wanted. 

The pain was strong. I don't even remember how I got home yesterday. I sighed as I got out of the shower. Last night when I came home, it was near 9 PM, since I kept missing the busses. My family was sat on the table, even Regina. My dad said he knew what I was doing, and he truly did. He knew my plan, but it backfired since he found out. 

But the words did affect everyone, except Regina, she doesn't care about me, and I don't care about her. 

Everyone went back to ignoring me once again. Even Molly. I wanted to just die. This was worse than them hating me. They were disappointed. You should die now. The voice said. 

I can't, I need to finish my plans. I said. My will to live was only on a thread. This was the only thing allowing me to live. 

I went downstairs and got an apple. I threw it away and walked out the door, not bothering to say bye. I was sitting on the bus and I saw Drew get on. 

He saw me and practically ran to me. "Hey, Dominy!" he exclaimed hugging me. I awkwardly hugged him back. 

"Hey, Drew is that a new name for me?" I asked. He nodded. "Okay, what're you doing on this bus?" I asked. 

"I live around here, I mean, I thought it was obvious of why I came on here," he said, I slapped my forehead.

"Of course, eh sorry, I forgot about common sense," he laughed. 

We had a pretty good conversation, I think we could be good friends. 

The day was pretty good honestly. Well, except the part where Harvey came to us and beat me up, without any mercy. Drew tried getting a teacher, but I told not to. I needed it. I remember his words, and they had only truth in it. 

"I hate you," Harvey said. "I hate you,". 


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