🔥 Part 10 🔥

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I decide to be stupid and try to teleport again, even though I ended up passed out. I close my eyes and picture Grillby's. Everything feels wobbly, but I don't loose consciousness.

I open my eyes, and there I am. Sans and Grillby look really concerned, but I just smile and take a step, almost falling over due to the wobbliness of my legs. Luckily, I make it to the bar and sit in my usual spot next to Sans.

Sans raises a bone brow. "ya know kid, you shoulda at least taken a little break before teleporting again." I grin and shrug. "But I'm fine, right?" I say, and he just chuckles and grins.

Grillby comes by with another bottle of ketchup for Sans and some fries for me. "Are you feeling better now?" He asks concernedly. I blush and giggle before saying "Yup, good as new."

After taking a long sip of ketchup, Sans spins his still to face me. "so," he begins, "what did king fluffybuns want from you?" I reply "He wants to train with me and Max. But if you can, would you mind practicing with me too?"

Sans grins and nods his head. "sure, kiddo." A lightbulb goes off in my head. "Oh yeah! Hey, Grillby?" He comes over from wiping a glass. I blush before asking quietly "Do you have any job openings? I need money."

His flames flicker and turn a bit pink, but he nods. He then hands me a piece of paper with a schedule on it and a bit more information. I smile gratefully and say "Thanks so much." He nods in acknowledgement and goes back to cleaning glasses.

Sans chuckles. "so now you're getting a job with him? ain't it a bit inappropriate to be in a relationship with your boss?" I can tell Grillby heard because his flames turn dark pink.

I smack Sans. "I strongly dislike you," I say madly. He chuckles and asks "why don'tcha just say hate?" I huff. "Hate is a very strong word," I say, causing Sans to laugh at me, making me slap him again.

After finishing the rest of my fries, I get up and leave the bar, waving to the boys. I then run back to Sans and Papyrus's house, where I find Max talking to Papyrus and a rectangle.

The rectangle rolls over to me. "My, my, darling! You're even more beautiful in person! You must be Maya, am I right gorgeous, or am I RIGHT?" I take a subtle step back. Welp, this is an overwhelming robot.

Toaster then gasps dramatically. "OH, how rude of me! I failed to introduce myself. I'm Mettaton, darling~!" I smile awkwardly and say "Nice to meet you, Mettaton."

Mettaton then flashes a smile on his screen. "Gorgeous, everyone's been talking about you! You MUST come on my show sometime! Here's my number, darling! The crowd's just going to LOVE you!"

Max runs up to me and gives me a hug. "Oh, and I didn't forget about you either, darling!" Mettaton says, booping Max's nose. Even though he fusses and says he's too old to like being booped, he really still does.

We all sit on the couch. "Hey, Pap," I say, greeting Papyrus quickly, seeing as I probably won't get much time to talk whenever Mettaton's around. "SO, starshine, what show do you want to do with me? A classic interview, play, cooking, quiz?"

I open my mouth, but Mettaton cuts me off. "You're SO right, darling! We should do ALL of those things! You'll agree, right? After all, NO ONE would want to miss a chance to be on stage with the underground's most famous monster, ME!" I didn't have that good of an impression of Mettaton. Classic narcissist, it seems.

Mettaton seems like he won't take no for an answer, so I just fake a grin and say "Sure," before being blasted with a bunch of questions and words from Mettaton.

It seems like this guy can't take a break to even breathe from talking, but Papyrus seems to really enjoy being in the same room as him. Wait, is he blushing? Papyrus likes Mettaton?

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