Chapter Nine

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[[Okay so this chapter is really long but i think its reallyyyyyy good cause theres like a million plot twists and...just trust me on it, I think you'll all like it ((: Enjoy, love you all-xx]]



I woke up the next morning nuzzled in Louis’ chest, the fabric was suffocating and I felt like my stomach was a bottomless pit as I felt my head pounding inside of me, then I remembered why drinking wasn’t for me.

“Harry..” Louis croaked as I rose up out of bed quickly and ran to Zayn’s bathroom. He followed behind me as I clutched my stomach and threw up in the toilet, I felt my throat sting as everything I consumed last night came back up out of my mouth. I yelped in misery, I hated puking.

“Harry are you alright?” Louis asked me, cradling me in his arms after I stood back up and stumbled from dizziness.

“I don’t feel good,” I whined, “I want to go home,” I complained.

“Just lay in here and don’t move, I’ll go tell Michael that I’m taking you home,” he said, putting on all his clothes.

I just spooned with a long, fluffy pillow that felt cold against my clammy skin. This was clearly the worst hangover I’ve ever had in two years. I felt myself drift back to sleep because I’ve never felt weaker and I felt like I could sleep for days the second I shut my eyes again.




I searched around Zayn’s house, through the livingroom and kitchen but didn’t find anyone but people from school sprawled out drunk with each other. Finally, I made my way to Zayn’s parents’ room, I opened the door and was shocked to see Michael naked in bed with some guy because I thought he liked Raine but I decided to let it be and shut the door.


I texted him instead saying: Hey, can’t thank you enough for the favor-ps you have a white ass bum lmao, have a gay day xD


I went back upstairs to Zayn’s bedroom and entered to cutest thing ever, my boyfriend cradling a pillow, passed out soundly asleep. I knew that’d eventually we’d be forced to help with the cleaning process if we stuck around so I shook him gently as he opened his eyes.

“Lou...I’m trying to sleep,” he groaned, “don’t...feel....good.”

“I know baby, just raise up and I’ll take care of you,” I said, pulling his grey hoodie from the edge of the bed, he sat there limp and weak so I took each of his arms to pull through the sleeves and took a pair of burgundy sweatpants from Zayn’s drawer and put a sticky note to tell him that I borrowed them. Even sick, clammy and pale, Harry still looked like the cutest boy in the world.

I swept him up in my arms bridal style and looked down to see that he was already asleep again, I managed to open the car door to gently lay him in the passenger seat only half waking him up, I buckled his seatbelt and went to the drivers side. I took a moment to admire how adorable he looked, sleeping there in my car so peacefully. He started shivering so I turned on the heat as I drove back to his house.

He woke up long enough to go inside his house and up to his bedroom but the second his head hit the pillows he was back to softly snoring. I climbed under the blankets and cuddled him until I felt sleepy as well.

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