Chapter Nineteen

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Amalia's POV

9 years ago

As soon as the clock struck three, swarms of students appeared at the gate ready to leave home. Luckily enough, me and my friends reached the gate before anyone else did and we were one of the first few people to leave. Due to this, I arrived home earlier than usual.

It was also the reason why mama was watching me with displeasure.

"¿Por qué vienes a casa temprano?" She asked, "¿La escuela finalmente ha tenido suficiente de ti?"

I rolled my eyes and look away as her voice just began to really irk me at this point. She found every little opportunity to belittle me and right now, it was becoming very tiring.

"No mamá, acabo de salir temprano de la escuela." I reply dryly as I make my way to my room,

"Bueno. Refréscate, tu padre tiene algo que decirte."

I stop midway on the staircase and then turn around to look at her face. It was unusual to have a meeting with my father because that man can't stand my face, so for mom to say this to me caught me by surprise.

As I watch mom for answers, she just stares right back at me with nothing. Emotionless and tired. Then, she turns around and leaves for the kitchen.

After about an hour, I head back down to eat as my stomach roared to life. As I leave my room, I remembered that mom told me that I had to be down. I clench my jaws as I anticipate a lecture from both of these useless human beings that I have to deal with before I begin to climb down the stairs.

"Fue un gusto conocerte Alvaro, te veo pronto."

As I reach the bottom of the stairs, I halt in my steps when an unfamiliar voice reached my ears. I glance up as begin to scrutinise the man that stood on our porch. When I saw him, he made eye contact with me and just smiled. This man was probably in his late twenties and definitely didn't work for my father because they were so friendly with each other, which is rare with Alvaro.

He seemed young but something about his masculinity proved that he was much older, maybe it was the growing beard. His hair was combed back and his brows were neatly trimmed but even then, they were so thick.

I did not recognise him.

"También Thiago. Te haré saber si algo cambia."

The man looked away from me and nodded at my father before he turned around and left. I snap out of my reverie when the door closed and my mother stood besides him when they both faced me. When my father faced me, a slight bit of worry as well as disappointment surfaced his face. I glance at him and avert my eyes as I walk directly to the kitchen, straight past them.

What was it? Did they want a son instead of me?

"Amalia, I have something very important to talk to you about."

Fear pounded in my heart as my father's voice appeared in the kitchen, in fact it was closer to me. The tone of his voice was very alarming otherwise it would've been uninterested. I bite my lips and close my eyes as I prepare myself before I turn around and face him.

He was not happy.

Like always.

My father was born and raised in Venezuela so he had a very strong accent tailing his tongue. So when he spoke in English, it would appear more then ever and sometimes it was intimidating.

"Sí papá?"

"From Monday, you are not going back to school. You are leaving your studies."

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