1. Story time

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It was a long night from work I thought to myself as I walked down Main Street making my way home. I let out a sign it was quarter past 2 in the morning when I finally left work. Life has been so dull with its to work from work routine suddenly I see a pair of lights coming down the road. I hate seeing cars so late at night always made me jumpy. Suddenly the Car stops right in front of me and I hear my brother Seth's voice
"Shit sis sorry! I thought you'd still be at work" you could hear the frustration in his voice.
I let out a sign of relief and walk to the door and open it.
"Dude I got out 25 minutes ago you're way late" I let out a giggle and climbed into his car.
"My bad moms already asleep and I'm off work tomorrow let's grab a bite to eat before we head home" he did a u-turn and took off 
"Fine by me!" I always loved spending time with Seth he was my younger brother by five years but still so mature yet fun. I glanced at him and noticed how his hair was really messy his red locks over lapping one another  "so..." I smirked as he glanced at me.
"What?" He quickly put his eyes back on the road
"You over slept and forgot to set your alarm to get me" I nudged his arm
"Not the point! I'm here now and we are getting food. Plus we gotta talk. I went to see grandma and she told me some stuff about us that you should know."
My eyes got wide Seth normally was very carefree and never really listened to Grandma and moms tails. But this one really seems to have bugged him. "Sure Seth. What's up?"
He let out a sigh and turned onto the highway "Hey! You said we're getting food!" I crossed my arms.
He laughed at me "we will but this talk isn't for others ears" okay that got my attention
"Okay tell me" I uncrossed my arms and looked at him. He looked so much like our mom it was uncanny.
"You know I've never believed grandmas stories." I nodded "Well now I do. Grandma swears our family line started with a demon and an angel falling in love right?"
"Yes I've heard that always Laugh too" I shrug yes I've heard the fairytale romance story about how our great grandma was an Angel sworn to protect man and how our grandfather was a demon send to destroy her. Yet they fell in love and had my grandmother and because of their love heaven and hell destroyed their souls but couldn't touch grandma because she was deemed human.
"Sis I have proof grandma may not be making it up" Seth said in such a dark voice it made me kinda jump
"Come on man! You can't believe that. Mom does too and she's human. There isn't supernatural stuff in this world." I let out a sign. "What proof?" He could tell I was worried but annoyed
"I found their tombs. Sis they aren't there and when I opened our great grandmothers tomb" I let out a gasp. What on earth was he thinking?!
"Wait you what?!" I said a little louder then I meant to.
"Calm down i didn't get caught and listen to me! She wasn't there and when it opened I got hit with some sort of light. It knocked me back sis. Light doesn't do that and since I've been seeing things..." he sounded worried like he awoken a demon. If anything he awoke an angel if stories were true. I shrugged and put my hand on his shoulder
"Take me to our great grandfathers grave I show you there's nothing to worry about. Those stories are just stories." His eyes shot to me and widen.
"Really?" He sounded truly shock.
"Yes" I giggled I loved how he thought I wouldn't be so willing but I know there's nothing to fear.
We pulled up slowly. Seth turned off the lights and put the car in park. Our great grandfathers tomb was beautiful. Ive come here before. Mellow fall days sitting against it reading or studying. My me time. Seth hands me a flashlight and turns his on and opens the door. I shut the door behind me and walk towards the tomb. Seth grabs my arm. "Here you'll need this" He hands me a crow bar  and walks ahead of me.
We make it in to his tomb and Walked up to his coffin I glance it over. Truly beautiful marble with silver lining through out its design. I slip the crow bar under the lid and begin pressing it trying to get it to release. "Seth why do I have to do this to prove to you the stories aren't fake.." I grunt as I put all my weight trying to lift the lid. Being marble it was beyond heavy. Suddenly I feel a gust of air push past me and seen smoke seeping out of the edges and I jump back. "Whoa!"
"See I Told you!" Seth sounded nervous. The air suddenly turned icy cold I dropped my flashlight and couldn't see a thing. I left a hand touch my shoulder. "Seth you feel cold. Let's go I've proven the stories fake." I put my hand on the hand on my shoulder.
"Sis I'm over" suddenly he was cut off and another hand grabbed my waist and pulled me to the body attacked. I shrieked out of surprise. I felt the hand on my shoulder turn me around. Their hand moving to my chin making me look up and I saw him. A man much taller then me. I took a deep breath in and he smelled of cinnamon and oak. Intoxicating really but fear over powered that. I struggled against his hands trying so hard to free myself
"Fuuuuck! Crowley The boy got away!" I heard a man man yelp from outside the tomb. Seth got away. Suddenly this man, Crowley's his name apparently, leaned closer to me and I froze. His eyes close enough I can see red. A deep red.
"Don't make a sound or I will shut you up. You are Not getting away" he hissed at me quietly. I sighed and threw my knee up praying I was tall enough. Luckily I made contact and gave him a strong knee in the nuts. He let out a hissing growl and let go of me and dropped to his knees for a moment. I took my chance to ran out of the tomb I barely made it to the door before I was grabbed by my shirt collar and thrown full force into my grandfathers coffin. Feeling it shatter behind me as my body hit it with full force. Once my head hit the marble everything went black..

I hate when pray tries to escape. I caught her! How dare she runs! I want a new pet and what better then fresh? I thought to myself as I threw her I saw the smoke rise as her body hit the coffin she let out a sharp gasp and was out cold before she hit the ground. The smoke circled her then seemed to have fallen on to the ground around her before simply vanishing. I walked over to her hearing her heart beating I knew she was fine Just knocked out cold with some cuts and bruises. I kneeled next to her and brushed her hair out of her face. She was a beauty. Such long deep brown locks soft as silk when I touched them. Her skin so perfect it surprised me. Oh what a pet she'll make. Such beauty. I picked her up in my arms and headed to the door walking out of the tomb. Charles was walking to the car limping. I guess that guy was more successful then my new pet was.
"Don't even say it Crowley " he sounded pissed but I couldn't help but chuckle at him as he climbed into the front and I into the back with my newest addition. Training would be tough but she'll learn her place and love it. Plus after tomorrow no one will remember her. I reached into her purse and found her cell phone some keys and her wallet. I glanced at her ID

Luna Carpenter

December 31 1991

I closed her wallet and tucked it away in my shirt pocket and tossed her phone back into her purse.
"Hm. Luna's a nice name. I'll keep it for you I think. " I pushed her hair back behind her ear as she slept on my lap i could see the damage the throw did to her. I threw her to hard I sighed I haven't owned a human in quite some time. I knew she needed trained by someone with better control. I extend my fangs and nip my wrist and press it to her mouth. Subconsciously she opens her mouth and drinks. I see the cuts and bumps start to heal.  I feel a desire rise in me for her. I look at her perfect figure in my arms. Her curvy hips that look so soft. Those perfect breast's that lower and rise with each breath. I tear my eyes away and pull my wrist from her. Whoa. I've never felt that before. I won't be doing that again. She's my pet. I'm superior to her. She's human I'm vampire.
"You okay? Sorry I didn't catch him. They would of made a good mating pair" I look up and see Charles looking in the mirror at me.
"Yea just realizing we need to take her to Derek. I almost lost control when she tried to run. And no I don't want to breed her." I looked back at her. She was completely healed she was just sleeping now. It was 4am now and from the hit on the head I wouldn't be surprised if she remembers me at all.
"You're the boss" Charles turned off of the highway and on to some old roads. He knew Derek personally for 200 years. He knew Derek was the best. He knew where to go
The sun was starting to Rise when we made it to Derek's. Luna was still asleep I lifted her gently and slowly climbed out of the car. Thankfully Charles got my door. We approached the front door to his shop and walked in. Within seconds of entering Derek came right to us.
"Hello Charles. Hello Lord Crowley Who's this?" He walked right up to me and was looking at Luna. I could tell he thought she was a vampire like me. She was flawless with milky skin that seemed eternal.
"This is my new pet Luna. I need you to train her for me." I handed her to him and he took her in his arms. I didn't like it one bit but he knew how to do it without killing them.
"She's human? Wow" he let out a gasp of amazement. " I haven't seen one so unharmed as this one" he walked into the back of the store where he kept the other girls he sold. He put her over his shoulder and grabbed his keys and unlocked a cage that was close to the back wall. I frowned at the thought of her in a cage. "Don't worry my lord. The cage is so she doesn't run. Where did you get her at?" He placed her in it and closed the door. Turning to me I shrugged.
"I just got her from a random place. She was actually the first human I found. " I put my hands in my pockets looking at her. So peacefully asleep. Once she learns her place she will love being my pet. I like to spoil all I want is attention and she'd provide me with blood whenever I needed however I planned to barely do that. Just want company disobedience is punished and good behavior is reward. Simple.
"You took a random human off the street? That's illegal if you don't have a license to catch and keep." He looked shocked I'd risk a lot for a human but once I caught her scent I knew I wanted her. We walked back to the front of the store "look paperwork wise let me say I caught her when she's trained we will say you paid 500 for her" he shrugged. "I rather not be an accomplice." I growled. I hate when people use laws on me. I'm immortal I don't care about rules. Regardless I agreed and started to walk out. "Oh and Derek. " I turned around "I'll come to check on her. After tomorrow no one will remember she existed" I smirked and turned
"Good that will help." Derek said as I walked out if the door

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