Hey (: My name's Ally, it's short for Alison and i'm 19 years old i'm from Toronto, Ontario, Canada and i'm a freshman in college. My life is pretty boring and i don't have much to do i have my bestfriend melanie who i've known since actual birth, our birthdays are only one day apart but i'm older ( she hates when i bring it up ) our moms are bestfriends since they were kids and they thought it was a good idea to have a baby around the same time to make sure they were bestfriends. It worked. When they both found out they were going to have girls, us, they were so excited but in the process i guess melanie took a little longer that she went into the next day and on her birth certificate she's a day younger. i have 2 brothers, sam, the youngest, he's 17, and Ryan, the oldest, he's 22. We all get along just fine, sometimes we have our moments where we can't stand to even be in the same room but at the end of the day I love them. Ryan was going to school just like me but he was going to study to be a Doctor which I knew would take way longer than I could ever go for in school. I wanted to be a teacher, I loved kids they were just this big bright ball of sunshine, I guess I kind of knew I wanted to be a teacher when I started helping Sam with his homework when we were both in elementary it was just so much fun. It was a typical Tuesday where we would get ready to go to our classes for the day and then go off and do our own thing. "Girl hurry up if you get late to your class then your teachers gonna make you stay longer, you know how it goes" Melanie yelled as she's walking in. You might ask "where's your parents?" Well my dad left us for some chick he met at a concert, we still see him occasionally but I prefer not to just because i wasn't happy with the idea of him leaving our mother just like that, my mom, she was the kindest, sweetest, most heroic person you'll ever meet I love her so much. But ever since my dad left it was hard on her but she pushed it to the side and got it all together. She does a lot of traveling for work so she's never home and I have no idea how she's okay with leaving us by ourselves but she did. Ryan took care of us at a young age and then when I got older I started pitching in too and we all made it work. My mom makes good money and so does Ryan, and when I mean good money I mean GOOD money she's so smart and does a bunch of traveling things, I don't know. I get so distracted with thinking about how our lives have turned out so well and we're blessed that I didn't realize I was already in the car with Melanie on our way to campus. I live at home, and yes it's free rent and free food , kinda. The school is so close there's no point in wasting so much money to stay there. The loud music and singing of Melanie bring me back to reality and I realize she's already plugged in her phone and was blasting our Shawn Mendes playlist. We love Shawn Mendes!! Ever since he's started off on Magcon and Vine it's just been such an obsession well Melanie is more of an obsession I just love his music. I dont know there's something about the way he writes and how it sounds like he's talking to you through the song. "SO PLEASE HAVE MERCY ON ME TAKE IT EASY ON MY HEART EVEN THOUGH YOU DONT MEAN TO HURT ME YOU KEEP TEARING ME APART WOULD PLEASE HAVE MERCY MERCY ON MY HEART" Melanie yelled out. "Mel if you scream any louder you're gonna lose your voice before we even get to go to the concert" oh yea Shawn's coming to do a concert here in his hometown I guess that's why we love him a little too much because if you think about it he grew up here just like us and it's crazy. Weird, I know. Mel and I had plans to go to class and right after all that's done we were gonna go shopping for our outfits for the concert. ————————————— After class was over, Mel and I jogged back to my car and she started her usual day routine about where she complains about her psychology class she has to take and how there's a guy there who won't stop talking to his girlfriend on the phone, I feel like i know the guy so well without even really knowing him. "And then he was just SITTING there on the phone AGAIN apparently they're planning on going out this weekend to some rave fest that they payed to go to. And he had the volume so loud even I could hear what she was saying , she was talking about what she was gonna wear and it got so disturbing because she talked about wearing this skin tight shirt Ally" I just laughed it off and let her continue the usual complain. By the time it all had settled down we were at the chick fil a drive thru, did i mention I'm obsessed with them too. "Can I get the chicken sandwich with no pickles please" As the nice lady takes it down I look over at Mel to ask her what she wanted, of course she's distracted watching edits of shawn mendes on instagram. "Mel" "Mellll" "MEL" She finally looks up and tells me and with that we get our food and drive off. We get to the mall just in time where the parking lot was semi full and it was decent. "I want to look so cute because what if I catch his eye Ally!!" "Mel you're gonna look hot in anything you wear tomorrow and i bet you'll catch more than just his eye you'll probably have guys looking at you too" We walk in to H&M and I run my fingers through the racks just trying to find a random outfit that would hopefully do and make me look decent. "Ok what about this one for you" Mel was holding up a jean skirt and a strapless crop top type of shirt it was cute and I really liked it.
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Mel has a way better taste of clothes when it came to things like this. "I think it's cute but go out and find things for you" "girl if i look for me and not for you you'll probably not even have an outfit picked knowing your picky butt" She wasn't wrong. I laughed and held on to the outfit and kept walking. By the end of the day I ended up with the outfit Anel chose for me and she had this cute similar one but it was a black long sleeve strapless type it was so cute and suited her.
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We drove home and she walked to her house which was right next door and we said our goodbyes and planned to meet up to go to the concert. I dont know why something felt different about this specific concert because we've been to other concerts of his but this one felt like different it gave me a weird feeling in my stomach.