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[Narrative P.O.V]

America was always a very ambitious quirky child growing up. He made friends as quickly as saying hi and quickly rose to have the reputation as a admired country. Though everyone seemed to like him there was always a weird feeling off jealously around his peers and with jealousy comes the feeling of wanting to see the super powered country fall. 

Though he didn't mind this at all really and still had good thoughts on his mind, or at least try to. He would sometimes be the subject of rumors or all out bullying but 'that was a price to pay to be well known' he would think to himself.

After middle school and reaching into high school it only got worse and worse. The small teasing he would get in middle school seemed more harsh and unforgiving. Sure some people genuinely liked him but those awful words with tear into him like a knife to a chunk of meat. But that all seemed to stop when he met Russia.

Russia was fairly known and was quite charming in a way, even though he was tall and quite intimidating he seemed like a quiet and calculated soul. He was known around the school to be the bad ass or cold, which in all honestly made him have quite the reputation in the girls eyes but would never actually be told to him. He really was quite the catch, Ey?

Even though he never had many friends America drew closer and closer to him, more or less. Russia was kinda emotionless around America went he would try to talk to him. Even though he wasn't getting a response America was persistent in making a bond between the two, even if it took years! Around second semester Russia started to open up to the American and their friendship took off from there, they would even skip class just to take walks outside or to a restaurant nearby. 

And that's where our story starts, Half way through high school in the winter cold months of September and a seemingly ever lasting friendship between a small group of countries.

Let's see where this story takes us.

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