Letter one-My name? That doesn't matter; I'm sending this letter to a random address to see if someone writes back, that someone will hopefully be you.
I'll tell you a little about myself, I'm a 16 year old female that doesn't get out the house, has no friends, never fallen in love and basically spends most of her time writing. My parents think I'm absolutely crazy because of all that but I was told to live my life the way I want, so that's what I'm doing, living my life, sitting in my dark room writing random letters to random people who also probably think I'm crazy.
I have chocolate brown hair, it's medium length and sort of wavy, I have big blue eyes and chubby cheeks that show big dimples on each cheek when I smile. I underlined 'when' because it's very rare when I smile, it's not that I'm sad all the time, I just don't like to smile, I don't see the point in smiling, it's just an expression.
I tend to wonder about things too much, like when I'm out in public for example; I look at someone and think what will they do when they get home? Or how is that person feeling? Also about the reason why we are who we are, we all do the same things yet we are all different and what's the point in life, what's the point in doing what we do? "We are dying from the day we're born" as I've read, I know so many other people think this but why? Why do we live to die?
I also get carried away when writing, so I'm sorry if I go on about something and it makes no sense what so ever.
If you decide to write back I would like to know a little about you too, your age, gender, hair colour, hair length, eyes, face, personality, hobbies, anything you can think of. I would love to get something back from you, I would appreciate it.
It's getting late, night.
From _______.
P.S. My postbox number is on the back of the envelope.
Letter two-
I posted the first letter off to you, I hope you get it. To be 100% honest, that was the first time I got out the house in 3 weeks. 3 weeks of being isolated from the world and to be 110% honest it felt great! The real world is not my thing; I prefer to be in my own world, away from everyone. I know I sound like a person that hates everyone and everything, I'm not, I like some people and I like a few things.
See, I've never crush on anyone and I guess no one has had a crush on me in a very long time too; all boys are the same, competitive and annoying. If you're a boy please don't take that to heart, you may be a nice person, I don't know.
From what I've told you in these two letters, you probably think I'm a freak, if you do then you're correct, I am a freak and I'm proud of it. I write letters, I run a blog, I love music, I love to read, I'm socially awkward and I have terrible anxiety. I'm a freak and that's what defines me. This letter is going to be short since I do not know what else to tell you.
Write tomorrow,
from _____.
Letter one from boy-
I was surprised I actually got letters from someone; I'm not going to be annoying like you and make you guess my name so my name is Callum, and I just turned 19, I have really dark brown hair, it's straight and also medium length, it doesn't reach my shoulders, it looks like the old Justin Bieber style but mine looks better, I have big dimples too on each cheek. It seems like we have a lot in common, I haven't left the house in 1 and a half years, I love to write, I love music, and I love poems and quotes, I run my own blog too. My anxiety takes over me to the point where I'm too scared to leave the house, if I were to see someone out on the street I wouldn't know what to do, do I smile? Do I say hello? Do I ignore that person? It always ends up in a mental break down, but I'm used to it now, I guess you're not the only freak, we're both freaks. I live with my mum since my dad walked out on us 10 years ago, it didn't get to me that bad, I never really liked my dad and I saw it coming but what did get to me was my mum, seeing her cry hurt so much. Mum is fine about it now though, we've moved on from him.