Best day of my life

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I woke up from the best sleep I have had in so long and was told that I'm getting discharged today! Honestly, I have no idea what I am going to do when I get back home, I can't say I'm any better but I guess, I can't spend my whole life in hospital. As soon as I finished packing my belongings I heard mums voice, as I was fixing up some things she filled out some forms for my discharge, I said goodbye to the nurses and doctors and mum and I left.

When we got home dad welcomed me back with a big hug and a kiss on the forehead, I walked to my room thinking of the mess I had made before I went into hospital... Mum must've cleaned it up because the floor was spotless, my bed covers and sheets were clean and made, and my desk was neatened up. I saw some letters sitting on my bed that haven't been opened, they must be from Callum. One letter read:

Daisy? I'm starting to get worried; you haven't called me or answered my calls. I'm thinking of driving to your place because I don't know what else to do, please, just please be okay and answer back, I'm so scared
From Callum x

Ok, forget about the fact that I scared the hell out of him... He put an 'x' at the end of the letter! Oh my gosh! Another read,

I got a call from your mother; she told me what had happened... I'm leaving the house to go see you; I don't care how long the ride is. I'm not leaving you alone. Please stay safe Daisy.
From Callum x

Oh look, another 'x'. I lie on my bed reading through the rest of the letters, blushing and smiling, Callum is so sweet and caring. As I was reading one of the many letters he had sent I hear my mobile buzzing, I leant over to see who was ringing me, I read in big bold letters 'CALLUM CALLING'

Phone call 2-
Me- Callum! Hey
Callum- Daisy, how're you feeling?
Daisy- I've been better, and you?
Callum- I'm alright, hey, I was wondering if you would like to come to the fair with me tonight. I'll swing by and pick you up, only if you're up to it since you just got home.
Daisy- I would love to but I need to check with my parents first, I'll text you the answer when I get one.
Callum- Thanks Daisy, fingers crossed, I need to go get some things done now, see you soon love.

*click* the phone call had ended, he called me love? Oh my heart. I skipped into the kitchen where my mum was standing near the sink washing dishes and my father sitting on the table trying to fix an angel I had broken during that episode I had the other night.
Sorry, I mouthed to my dad, he smiled back calmly.
"Hey mum" I say trying to get her attention,
"Yes my little Daisy Daze"
"Oh lord, please call me anything but that"
"Sorry honey, what did you want?"
"Well, I was wondering if I could go to the fair tonight with my friend"
"Friend?" My dad called surprised, "I didn't know you had a friend?"
I rolled my eyes "he's the one that sent the letters, he says he spoke to you the night I... Uh-"
"Oh him! He seems like a sweetheart, yes you can but if he lays his hand on you without your consent, stop him and call me-"
"Mum! Mum... He won't, trust me, and thank you" She kissed my cheek and patted my head.

Me- Mum says yes, I guess I'll be seeing you soon (:

I slipped my phone into my pocket, put on a dress with palm trees and suns all over, I neatened up my hair leaving it down and wavy, I then put on a pair of flip flops and grabbed my purse packing it with $15, hand cream and some lip balm.

*bang bang bang* I hear from the front door. I raced down the hallway through the arch way and-
"Oh hello, you must be Callum, I'm Teresa, Daisy's mother, would you like to come in?"
Before Callum could answer I ran to the front door huffing and puffing.
"Oh no mum, we'd better get going, thanks for the offer though!" I grabbed Cullum's hand and pulled him away from the front porch, slamming the front door behind us.
"I just saved you Callum from a horror you do not want to experience"
Callum chuckled squeezing my shoulder, as we reached the car he opened the passenger seat door for me as he had done is the past, I bowed receiving back a smirk from him. He started up the car and drove away from my house. We had a 30minute drive to the fair, it was silent so I reached out my hand and adjusted the radio to the country music channel as I was turning the volume up Callum put his hand over mine and held it stroking his thumb along my fingers. I smiled at him blushing; he looked at me smiling back then looked back at the road still smiling.
"I brought some money for food" I say trying to start a conversation.
"You really thought I expected you to pay for yourself... Oh no sweetheart, you keep your money in that little purse of yours and let me pay" he squeezed my hand and added "I mean, there's a beautiful girl in my car, the least I can do is spend money on her"
Again, I blushed, I thought my cheeks were going to catch on fire from how warm they felt.

We reached the parking lot beside the beach and the fair, Callum stopped the engine, took out his keys and kissed my hand, he smirked and pulled away. I got out of the car before he could open the door for me.

"May I?" Callum asked reaching out his hand to hold mine.
"Yes you may" I say teasing him.
We held hands as he led me to the entrance of the fair. It was crowded and lights were flashing with small rollercoasters and a Ferris wheel, there were people lining up at food stools, everyone looked happy and were laughing and smiling. This is amazing.
We reached the front of the line to get our tickets.

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