Act 1

808 20 6

December 7, 2011


An individual that speaks everything opposite of what a truth should be, intentionally falsifying information for the opposing party.

There are many things in this world that I see to believe. And as someone who spends half their time spewing out twisted truths in the direction of everyone I come across, lying became a second nature just as breathing was to humans. It was hardwired into us, easily carried out and most certainly a second-natured action.

It doesn't take a genius know how lies work, so who am I to act smart when I knew of the fact that once a lie is out, it never truly ends. A river of ever flowing murky water, if I must describe it.

The first lie is always the easiest, as if it were typed out by a screenwriter and repeated out loud, not failing to fool those without an eye for details, sometimes even deceiving the wisest of them all. They're often alluring and smooth — similar to that of a well rehearsed play from one's daily routine — tricking both the eyes and ears of the receiver, and most certainly creaseless, if not flawless.

There's inevitably a truth to every lie, of course. And while I have yet to uncover the secret that he would die to protect, I would not give it up as easily either, knowing that I've swam myself too far into the deep end to turn back to shore.

This town is one that has earned the reputation of generating its own energy of boundless mysteries over the years, it's statistics increasing ever so slightly, right under our mortal noses yet it's residents showed no signs of fear towards it whatsoever, prompting me to justify it as 'nothing but a girl daydreaming of more action in a boring town' since the day I learnt to read. But I'm not an idiot. I know that there's more that meets the eye.

Whatever that's been happening for the past few years didn't just happen because of a coincidence. I see things that people aren't able to see and I want them to know that it's there. They turn a blind eye towards it because they're afraid of what the truth will bring, choosing to cower behind the mountain of growing lies that they've been feeding us.

I want to prove to them that I'm not crazy, nor am I making up stories to fuel the gossips that have been circling around us for as long as I could remember. I'm not some crazy reporter doing it for the fame. There's so much more to the articles that I share because they deserve to know what lurks amongst the shadows just as I do.

But the real question is: am I ready to unveil the truth of a liar?

E. K. Denver

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2023 ⏰

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