I feel happy and at peace when you are around me.
I'll still love you forever.
I'll still remember a memories of us.
I'll still remember you, every second when I blink my eyes.
You're the one and only for the moment.
I'll never forget, ever if thousands of wind that blows have tried removing my memory about you.
Despite so many princes who came up to me.
But I will try to remain faithfully waiting for you back by my side.
Please don't ever forget the memories of us.
Please don't forget me.
Please remember me as the guy who used to be a part of your life.
So goodbye,,,
I'll think of you every step of the way.
I hope you have all you've dreamed of.
I wish you happiness, although your happiness is not with me.
You will always remain a shining star in my life pobud.
You will still be the one that I love and I remember in my heart which in.
I will always love you and my heart will go on with you.
My words and my poem
PoetrySbenarnya ini adalah curhat ku. ya, disini aq mmng belum terlalu bisa untuk ngbuat puisi. ya jd puisi nya gk trlalu bgus. dan puisi ini tidak bersjak sih sbnrnya,. Tp tdk apa2. aq ngbaca puisi dari kahlil gibran n chairil anwar aja jg bnyk yg gk ber...