is that a complement?: shawn mendes

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Warnings: cheesy and cliché

Your p.o.v.

Me and (y/f/n) were in L.A. for Shawn Mendes' concert. Right now we are hanging around our hotel room.
"Hey (y/n), I saw Shawn should be walking around L.A." (y/f/n) said. I thought at the possibilities of meeting him. I really wanted to meet him.
"Should we go?" I asked.
"Uh, yeah. Don't you want to meet your future husband?" She joked. I laughed. I got my bag along with my phone, its charger and our concert tickets as we planned to be gone till the concert. (Y/f/n) grabbed her bag, her phone and camera, their chargers and we left. We got on our skateboards. We just rode around. (Y/f/n) was doing her vlog. She was a youtuber. I occasionally got out my phone to take a picture or a video. We stopped and took a break.
"Are you ready for the concert?" (Y/f/n) said as she pointed the camera towards me. I smiled and nodded.
"I'm so excited. We got front row seats and backstage passes." I said to the camera. I got out my ticket to show. Then a girl came up to us.
"Can I see that?" She asked. Me being the nice person I am, I let her see my ticket. Then she ran away with it.
"HEY!" I called after her. She was already gone. I sat next to the water fountain.
"Dang. That's tough." (Y/f/n) said to the camera. I pushed the tears back before the rolled down my cheeks. (Y/f/n) turned her camera off and sat next to me. She hugged me.
"Wanna go shopping. It'll get your mind off of it." She said trying to cheer me up. I shrugged and got up. We walked the small distance to our huge mall. We first went to the food court because food always makes me happy. Then we went to hot topic, rue 21, old navy, vans, and this new store called box lunch. As we entered, a cute worker walked up to us. He had brown hair, chocolate brown eyes, and was wearing the uniform.
"Hello ladies. What can I do for you?" He asked us and winked.
"Um.. Her ticket to the Shawn Mendes concert got stolen so i'm trying to cheer her up." (Y/f/n) said. He nodded.
"Would a hug help?" He asked. (Y/f/n) looked at me. I shrugged. I set my bags down and he hugged me. I hugged back. It was a nice hug. I almost began to cry again. I hugged him tighter so I didn't. He notices and held me tighter as if trying to protect me from everything. I left out a long breathe. I pulled away.
"Thanks." I said and smiled.
"Any time." He said.
"Can I get your phone number?" I asked.
"Yeah." He said and we swapped phones. I put my phone number in and he did his.
"Thanks again." I said.
"Any time." He said and waved. We left. I checked the time and the concert began in an hour and a half. We were just walking around outside and talking about the concert.
"Remember take a bunch of photos and videos for me. And ask Shawn if he can face time me." I said quickly.
"Okay, okay. I will. I'll get his autograph for you too." She said. I hugged her. I quickly pulled out my phone and checked Instagram. I saw a picture of Shawn pop up.
"Ah! He's so adorable and too precious for this world! I love him so much! I want to squish his soft cheeks.( his face cheeks you Weirdo's😂)" I said and showed the picture to (y/f/n).

Shawn's p.o.v.

I was excited for this concert. It was all sold out. I decided to go out and calm my nerves. I walked around for a good two hours. I checked my watch and the concert began in an hour and a half. That's when a girl came up to me. She was freaking out.
"Can I get a picture. I love you so much. I can't wait for your concert. " she squealed. I laughed
"Sure." I said. We took the picture and she left. Then I heard a pair of girls talking about my concert. I walked up behind them. Then I heard one of the girls say "Ah! He's so adorable and too precious for this world! I love him so much! I want to squish his soft cheeks!" I laughed quietly as I saw her show her friend a picture of me.
"Is that a complement?" I asked as I got behind the girls. they stopped. The girl on the right quickly turned around. But the girl on the left slowly turned around.

Your p.o.v.

(Y/f/n) was laughing at what I said when we heard "Is that a complement." (Y/f/n) quickly turned around. I was scared to see Shawn behind me. I slowly turned around. And not surprisingly it was Shawn. I felt my cheeks heat up. Before anything was said, I quickly ran. I don't know why I ran, but I ran. I hid behind a corner. 'Crap. Why did I run. You stupid.' I thought. I evened my breathing. I texted (y/f/n).
Me: sorry. Idk what happened.
(Y/f/n): Np. I'm just here talking with your future husband.
Me: don't let him see. I'm gonna be more embarrassed. 😥
(Y/f/n): too late. He's right beside me.
'(Y/f/n) is trying to face time.' My phone buzzed. I reluctantly accepted the call. I faced the camera towards the sky.
"(Y/n) show your mother freaking gorgeous face right now to your beautiful future husband." I heard (y/f/n) say.
"Stop." I groaned.
"See. She does have a beautiful voice." She said.
"She does." I heard Shawn's voice. I had to suppress the squeal that wanted to come out. I accidentally dropped my phone and the camera faced my face. I was blushing madly. I quickly picked it up and waved. I pulled my sleeve over my hand and covered my mouth and cheeks with it. (Y/f/n) handed the phone over to Shawn.
"Stop hiding your pretty face." He said.
"Crap." I whispered nervous. I looked up and saw them. Their backs facing me. I ended the call and picked up my bags. I saw Shawn and (y/f/n) talking. I sighed to myself and walked over to them. I tapped on Shawn's shoulder. He turned around. When he saw it was me, he smiled and gave me a hug. I was taken by surprise. But I eventually hugged him back. Then he pulled away.
"Tell him about the girl who stole your ticket." (Y/f/n) said.
"What?" Shawn said and looked at me.
I nervously laughed." Well, we were walking around, because (y/f/n) saw you were walking around here and we wanted to meet you, so we were walking around. (Y/f/n) is a vlogger, so she was recording me and I showed the camera my ticket. Then a little girl came up to me. She was about 5'2" she had short brown hair and green eyes. She had tan skin. She asked to see my ticket and me being a nice person, I let her see it. Then she ran away!" I told him. He was looking into my eyes. I looked back. I saw his eyes flicker downwards. I didn't want to assume he was looking at my lips, but it looked like it.
"I'm really sorry that happened." He said when we stopped staring at each other.
"What ticket did you have?" He asked.
"It was front seat and had the backstage pass with the meet and greet." I said.
"Okay. Well unfortunately, we're all sold out." He said. I looked down, tears forming in my eyes. This was going to be my first concert." But since you're a very beautiful and caring person, I'm gonna let you sit on stage and hang out with me back stage after the show. Your friend can join too, if she wants." He said. I looked up.
"Nah. I'm good. I'll stick with my ticket." She said. I began crying happily. Shawn hugged me. I hugged back. I pulled away. I got a tissue out of my bag and wiped my nose. My nose always gets runny when I cry.
"This is going to be my first concert." I said. My phone went off. It was my alarm to get going to the concert.
"Crap! We have 15 minuted to get there and we have skateboards." I said and looked desperately at (y/f/n). She groaned.
"You forgot you're standing with the star." He said and opened his arms. "I'll drive you." He said.
"Thank you." Me and (y/f/n) said at the same time. We quickly went to his car. We left and got there in 5 minutes. As we got inside the outdoor stage, I shivered. It was freaking cold. I did not prepare myself for this.
( warning: gonna get cheesy. I warned you) Shawn noticed. He wrapped his arm around my waist. I could feel the heat radiate off of him. Once we got backstage, he gave me his sweatshirt. He explained my situation to his manager, and he fortunately let me do it. (Y/f/n) had already left and got to her seat. I was with Shawn until the show started. Right before, I got my seat on the left front side of the stage I snuggled into his hoodie. I pulled the sleeves up and held it to my face for multiple reasons. First, my face was cold. Second, the sweatshirt, obviously, smelled like him. Then the show started. As Shawn walked onto stage, he looked at me and the crowd was screaming. I looked at (y/f/n). The little girl was sitting next to her. She very discreetly pointed her out to Shawn, so he could talk to her later. Throughout the show, Shawn kept on looking at me, which made me blush. One time, he winked. My phone buzzed. It was from (y/f/n). I looked at it.
(Y/f/n): the little girl is glaring at you.
Me: I can't imagine why.😱
(Y/f/n): lmao.
I looked at (y/f/n). She was recording with her camera. The little girl was indeed staring at me. I looked at Shawn and smiled. He smiled back. Even though he was already smiling.

~time skip to the end of the concert~

At the end, Shawn came up to me and helped me up. The crowd was still screaming. He held the mic to his mouth and said " I know I just met you, (y/n), but I think I love you." I felt my cheeks heat up badly. He wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me. He pulled apart and said into the mic " will you be my girlfriend?"
I nodded. He pulled me closer and kissed me. I was shocked but soon kissed back. He pulled away.
"THANK YOU L.A.!" He said into the mic. The crowd screamed even louder, if it was possible. We went off stage. I stood by with (y/f/n) as he had his meet and greet. I noticed the little girl walking up to me. She looked about 13 or 14. She just glared at me.
"I hate you and you don't deserve Shawn. You're ugly and fat." She said and left. I had to hold (y/f/n) back. I pushed back the tears that threatened my eyes. I tried to not let it bother me. I looked at Shawn as a tear rolled down my cheek. He said something to the girls and walked over to me.
"Princess, whats wrong?" He asked as he wrapped me in his arms. I stared crying.
"Why me?" I asked.
"What?" He asked confused.
"Why did you asked me out. I'm ugly and fat." I cried.
"No your not. Who told you that?" He asked.
"The little girl." (Y/f/n) said and pointed at her. Shawn got security to escort her out. I was sitting on a bench. Shawn came over and pulled me up. He hugged me. Then he called " (y/n) is upset. She needs love." Then a bunch of fans came over and hugged us, including (y/f/n). Everyone was saying things like " You're beautiful." " You deserve Shawn. " " We'll support you no matter what." I cried harder. I was happy.

Second story done. Sorry it took long. My phone sucks.
Please give me advice on how to write better

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