Can You Shut Up?!

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There it is again. 1am and the noise of my neighbor singing next door is disturbing my sleep!

That asshole.

I've been tossing in my sleep for the last hour! I already covered my ears, shifted all over the bed, my eyes closed and counted a hundred sheep, but this bastard JUST WONT STOP SINGING!!!

Does he know it's 1am?! Some people need to fucking sleep! He comes moving in here and for five months, he's done nothing but disturb my peace!


I don't know how Ma and Pa could sleep through this. They say, "Let him be, Shen Yue, he's a nice and talented kid. He may make it big one day and you'll regret it."

Wtf? So I'll just tolerate this disrespect and let him sing throughout the night while I drag myself to work and look like a zombie?!

I don't even care if he has a freaking soulful voice or if he looks godly like my mom says, I WANT HIM OUT OF THIS NEIGHBORHOOD, OUT OF MY LIFE!!!!

Eh? He stopped.

Did he hear my thoughts just now?! Why did he stop?

I opened a crack of our window to see if his lights are still on, and they seemed to have turned off. He must've gone to sleep. Thank heavens!

I'll make sure I have a word with him tomorrow.

•••   •   •    •            

7:24 am

Ma keeps telling me to let it go. "Aya, Yue Yue. Let the young man be! He's been practicing for his audition and he works during the day, so he only has that time to practice. Be gracious, will you?"

"What about me, ma? I have work from 8am and come home here late at night exhausted and all I want is to GET SOME SLEEP but I can't cause that guy keeps strumming and strumming his guitar and making all these noises with his mouth. How am I supposed to get some sleep?!"

"Just let him be for a few weeks, okay? He'll have to move away when he gets hired anyway. He's such a good boy."

Pffft. "Good boy"

"It's been five months, Ma! Five months!!! How much longer does he need?!"

"Aya, Yue Yue" my dad cuts in. "Go knock on his door and tell him that if you're so angry about it! Stop complaining to us. You're disturbing my reading!" He flips the newspaper and glares at me from the other side of the table.

Ugh!!! "Fine! I'll go and give him a piece of my mind if you guys aren't going to do it for me. I can't believe you're choosing that stranger over your only daughter!"

"Aya, you're overreacting, Yue!" my mom gives me a slap on the back.

So I sip my last drop of coffee, grab my bag in the room, quickly grab my shoes on the rack, and in probably less than twenty seconds, I come standing face to face with his door.

I knocked on the door three times.


Knocked again.


Okay, Yue. Maybe he's still asleep..... Maybe he's tired from his practice last night.... MOTHER EFFER.

I knock again. This time, with more force than I did the last two times, making sure he knows it's important.

"Yes, yes. Wait a minute!" I finally hear a faint voice coming from the other side.

I hear some ruffling sound that I would assume to be him unlocking the door.

I straighten myself. If I want my words to come across, I need to be firm and intimidating. I may be tiny, but I  wouldn't have been known as Madam Strong throughout my school years if I wasn't tough.

I'll teach this guy a lesson.

*Door cracks and slowly opens*

I look straight to the door as it slowly starts to open. A skinny, tall figure with hair tousled over his face appears from the dim room. His eyes were still shut and he rubs them while saying, "what is it?"

I clear my throat. I'm ready to growl at this person for depriving me of my sleep. "Mister....."


I clear my throat. "Mr. Wang.." I try to sound as stern as possible. "I'm your neighbor next door and I came here because I'd like to have a word-"

He turns to me as he slowly opened his sleepy eyes and raked his hair back with his fingers, "Yeah?"

He opens his eyes and looks straight at me with groggy voice and a confused look and....


My eyes widened and my heart started to beat fast.

WHAT IS HE?!?!?!



Hello my dears!

Shit. I guess this is my first attempt at a Multi-Chapter?

First of all, thank you for reading this and for taking the time to even finish it 😅... I honestly don't know yet as to where this will go OR when the next chapter will be... I just hope that somehow this has interest you and even though brief, this story was able to give a smile on your face. (Please cross your fingers this gets continued 😬🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼)

Greater days are ahead of us. Of DiYue. So let's always show kindness to one another and let love unite us all in peace. (Hala parang prayer?😂)

Shoutout to evfabricando & tigermoonbuddy for being my beta and for helping out with some... grammatical errors 😂.....

Also to lindaisfangirling for providing me the (temporary) cover photo 😘


-Mrs. Song Yuni

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2019 ⏰

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