One: Once-Ler and Greed-Ler

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(I headcanon that the Once-Ler's name is "Theodore Once" and he gave the Lorax permission to call him "Theo" before he went all corrupt and stuff..)

"Kid! I need to talk to you!"

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"Kid! I need to talk to you!"

Once-ler flinched when the doors to his office suddenly slammed open. He groaned, recognizing the voice, as he glanced over through his plastic sunglasses. Great. The Lorax was bothering him again. Hadn't he already given him a lecture about the trees yesterday..? Only a small portion of the trees had been cut down and they dropped new seeds naturally didn't they? Problem solved then, right? Okay, the sky was a little gray and the water smelled a little weird. Was that a huge issue? It wasn't like you couldn't breathe or would get sick from the water. He took off his sunglasses and pinched the bridge of his nose with a sigh. "What do you want now? Can't you see I have piles and piles of paperwork to do?" The Lorax climbed up onto the desk, deliberately standing on the human's 'paperwork'. Once-ler glared at his little furry feet before just glaring at the stupid orange peanut in general. "Are you going to lecture me again? I'm tired of hearing it, honestly. You're seriously trying my patience here." His gaze was cold as he glared at the so-called "guardian of the forest". They weren't friends. The Lorax had said so himself, in front of his judgemental family no less! So, why should he care? It's not like the 'guardian of the forest' actually cared about him, he only cared about the stupid forest.

The Lorax crossed his arms. "No, actually. I'm trying something else today. Something that will hopefully bring me good results." Once-ler raised an eyebrow. "Uh-huh....and what exactly do you plan on doing..?" Lorax shook his head at him. "I need you to get up, Beanpole, and join me over by that window over there." He gestured towards the other end of the office before jumping off of the desk, crumpling some of the Once-ler's papers in the process. Once-ler sighed heavily, putting his sunglasses back on, before begrudgingly standing up and walking around the expensive desk, his pocket chain jingling a little. He followed the Lorax over to the window, crossing his arms. He hunched his shoulders a bit to show his annoyance. "Are you done being vague now?" The Lorax sighed. "Listen, kid, obviously talking to you right now isn't going to do any good. It goes in one ear and then out the other. Your pride makes you refuse to listen. So I'm not going to talk. I'm just going to do." The Lorax raised a hand, and the next thing the Once-ler knew, he felt like he was being ripped in half. He screamed in agony before he was suddenly slammed against a wall. His vision went black.


He groaned as he finally regained consciousness. What happened..? Where was he..? His head really hurt and there was a ringing in his ears. He brought a gloved hand to his head, taking a moment to fix his disheveled fedora. When he opened his eyes, he was seeing double for a moment. He felt nauseous, his stomach churning. He blinked, trying to steady out his vision. He felt like his tongue was made of cotton and he could taste metal in the back of his mouth. After a moment, he was able to focus a little. He was in some kind of office..? Wait. Someone was talking to him. Oh, the Lorax was here..? Huh. Oh! He was next to a window. Maybe that would give him a clue about...where...he.....WHY WERE THEY CUTTING DOWN THE TREES????

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2020 ⏰

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