The one

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Lance was in his house watching tv. Ever since the day of Allura death he had not been the same. Was his love for Allura even real? That was the question he's been asking himself everyday.

He has tried to move on like he went on a date with pidge this one time but it didn't seem right to him so he broke it off. He did try to get with plaxum but that only lasted for 8 weeks. Now he's supposed to go on a date with Ryan. Yesterday Ryan came by and said that he loved him and that made lance heart so happy but at the same time said. Lance really didn't know why he said yes to going on a date with him but Ryan might be the one he's been looking for so why not give it a shot.

There was a knock on lance door. He thought it was Ryan but the date starts at 6:00 it's only 3:37. Lance got up and answered the door. He was in shocked when he say Keith standing there holding flowers and a box.

"Hey lance um happy birthday." Was what Keith said to him and gave lance his gifts. Keith was still working for the BOM. He was supposed to be on a mission today but why is he here? " thanks Keith. Would you like to come inside?" Lance asked him.

For some reason lance heart almost beats like crazy when Keith is around.

"Sure I'm only staying down here for today just hang out with you. Then in the morning I have to leave early for the mission that I'm skipping." Keith told lance. So that's why Keith was here. He really just skipped a mission just for lance. "Thanks Keith but I kinda have a date today maybe so other time?" Lance felt bad for doing this to Keith.

"Oh." Was all Keith said. He had a look of disappointment in his eyes. " I'll just leave so you could get ready then. Um when you open the box just throw he the letter away." Was all Keith said before he left lance house.

Lance looked at the box. He will open it up later when he's done with his date with Ryan.

Time skip to after the date

Lance and Ryan came back to lance house having a full make out section. The date went great. Lance was so happy to find someone that likes him for him. Ryan was about to kiss lance neck when he saw the flowers that Keith brought to lance sitting on his table.

" who flowers?" Ryan asked him. " oh those. Keith brought then to me for my birthday today. It's nothing important really we're just friends." Lance answered. But that didn't stop Ryan from getting jealous of the fact that some other guy brought lance flowers.

"So if your just friends he would have brought something else like a video game of something like that. Not stupid flowers cause that means something lance. He fucking likes you!" Ryan was getting very jealous now.

" Ryan Keith is just my friend calm down men." Lance was noting liking this at all now. " lance I won't you to get ride of those flowers now and I don't want you talking to him ever again got that!?" Ryan yelled at lance.

"I think you should leave. I don't want to be in a relationship with a guy who tells me who I can and can't be friends with." Lance said in a cold voice.

Ryan finally realized what he was doing.

"Wait lance give me another chance please. I promise not to do again." Ryan was not begging lance to stay with with but lance just pointed at the door asking him to leave.

Ryan knew that he missed up big time. So he grabbed his stuff and left lance house. He really did love lance.

Lance looked at the box and the letter that Keith wrote to him. Lance grabbed the letter and read it.

Hey lance

I know you that you have been kinda down when Allura left but I'm pretty sure she would won't you to move on. Allura told me something before she died. She said that she was only with you because she was scared that you would hate her if she rejected you but she realized that it was wrong cause when she was with you all she could think about was Lotor. I know this will make you feel some type of way but just know that I'm always here for you. Because not only are you my friend but your also my crush. Back at the garrison I always noticed you but I was too scared to talk to you. Before I run out of room on the paper I just want to say l love you. Also stop being a fucking farming I can still tell it's not making you happy.

Lance had tears in his eyes. It had always been Keith. Why the fuck was he so blind not to see it before.

Lance grabbed his stuff and ran to the shop that Keith was staying in. Whenever Keith came to visit he would always stay in a ship.

Lance saw that Keith's ship was at the beach. Was that even allowed.

Keith ran to it and saw that Keith was sitting on the sand with kosmo.

"KEITH!" Lance yelled out to him. Keith turned around and saw that lance was running towards him. Keith got up and caught lance in his arms. "Lance what are you doing here!?" Asked him "don't you have a date with Ryan?"

" not anymore I don't. Turns out he was a jackass. Keith why didn't you say anything sooner!?" Lance yelled at him trying to sound angry but failed at it. "What are you talking about?" Keith was confused about what lance was saying to him.

"You damn well what I'm talking about. The fucking letter you wrote to me." Lance was still yelling not caring who was near by or not.

" oh that letter. I told you to throw it away." Keith said to lance.

Lance couldn't take it anymore. He kissed Keith. This is what he always wanted in life. To kiss the lips of the person he loved. And that person was Keith.

"So that means you'll go out with me then?" Keith said when he and lance finally pulled away from lance.

"I literally just kissed you of course I'll go out with you and even join the blades just to be with you. Do you think they'll let me in?" Lance looked at Keith while asking him this.

"Lance did you see what was in the box?" Keith asked him. " no Was it something important?" Lance looked at Keith. If it was something important then he'll be sure open it when he gets home.

"Lance I was not going to let you be a farmer forever. It's a BOM suit." Was all Keith told him before kissing his lips again.

Lance birthday special Where stories live. Discover now