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Emmett and Rosalie were the first to move into the huge mansion in Transylvania. Lucy and Gabe easily convincing them both to join them after the whole Volturi thing. Raph and Michelle stuck around Forks; getting to know their wolves. Leah was the easiest to convince to join them. She wanted to escape Sam and his pack and was more then happy to join Raph. With their land there is plenty of space for the wolf to prowl and run if she so wanted to. Paul was the hardest to convince, leaving his friends behind. And Michelle understood, and waited for him, it took him two years of phone calls, of her visiting him, letters before he moved to Transylvania with the others. And the vampires and wolves took time to get used to their presence, to getting used to the fact that they're now bonded forever.


Leah smacks the back of Paul's head as he steals the bacon from her plate, him having eaten all of his already.

"Get your own" She growls at him, Paul just smirks and eats the bacon. Gabe smirks from where he reads the paper at the end of the table, he glances to Michelle sat at Paul's side reading from a classic novel, she glances back at her 'brother' and shrugs with a fond smile. This is every breakfast, and nothing new to the Horsemen. It's home. It's comfort. And they wouldn't change it. Raph kisses Leah's head as he passes her, the wolf smiling down at her breakfast, he takes the seat at her side. Though the vampires don't eat they do still spend breakfast together.


None of them have ever been happier. Even Lucy has lightened up with Emmett around; she laughs, and smiles, and sings. They're like one big screwed up family.


Emmett likes to watch Lucy sitting and reading, when a sort of peace comes over her. The light behind her streaming through the window to illuminate and sparkle her pale skin. Stunning. He sits next to her some days, most days, all days. He does it now. She closes her book and climbs into his lap, he chuckles wrapping his arms around her.

"What a life we live" he comments warmly kissing her cheek.

"It's not perfect" Lucy comments warmly. "But it's ours" she strokes at the back of Emmett's head. "And we have forever" he nods and smiles back.

"Forever" he agrees and then kisses her pulling her further onto his lap.

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