Chapter 9

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AYEEEEEEE I'm at my friend's house rn she's asleep and my bother is upstairs so I believe I'm good to go when writing this, so, I'm gonna write as much as I can until someone else comes into the room.


Jay's POV

"...Cutie," She smirked at me,

"W-well how about... I'm the c-cutie and you're..." I raised my pointer finger to my chin and looked at her as if thinking deeply,
"The hottie?" I'm so glad I'm wearing a mask right now or else that would not have worked, my face is definitely bright red but, 
Y/N's face is redder so-



"The hottie?" He said, his ears nearly solid red his face as well most likely.
I felt  heat rise to my cheeks,

"I l-like the n-name I guess but- Ugh I can't think of anything... you got me."
"I thought I did," he walked towards me ad stopped a few inches away from me,
"S-so, who's bedroom is this?" I asked
"Your's," he snaked his hands around my waist

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs but Jay's grip held me in place, I already knew what was happening and I knew he wouldn't let go so I just accepted it.
His face was inches from mine so I lifted up his mask, as he was about to kiss me, someone cleared their throat. I turned around and jay slid his mask back down, letting go of me.

"Did I interrupt something?" Tim asked, smirking but I could see his death glaring Jay.
"I- Uh-" I walked away from Jay and Tim then grabbed domino and started petting her obsessively.

They both looked at me weird then walked out.


Jay's POV

I followed Tim outside, once the door was closed I was greeted with a punch in the gut, "THE HELL TIM?! That was WAY too close to YOU KNOW WHERE!" I yelled hunched over, my forearms pressuring my stomach, "You know why!" he yelled at me as if I knew.
"No, I don't know why Tim! Why did you?" I retorted.

"Because, you know how I feel about, so why would you try and take her?!" He whisper yelled,
"I didn't take anyone from you! she kissed me back not the other way around!" I acted confused like I didn't know, "Yeah, don't act like I didn't see you! I could see your stupid-ass face right through the window!" I yelled ignoring his now balled up fists.

"You-" I was cut off by him tackling me (OH MY GOD ROCK AND ROLL MC DONALDS CAME ON IM DYING)
I kneed him where the sun doesn't shine and ran inside and locked the door behind me just to be an extra nuisance.

I sighed heavily,
"When are you guys gonna shut up about that?", Brian asked, leaning on the kitchen counter eating a corndog.

"I-", "You've been fighting over her for years. you really need to just sort it out instead of fighting like children." He said taking a bite of his snack,
"Well I would sort it out with him but when I try he just turns me into the bad guy and him into the victim!" I shouted walking to the stairs.
"Maybe you should get Y/N to sort this out instead of you guys?"
"I'd rather not," I said stepping off of the stairs,
"Whatever you say, Jay." 

[DISCONTINUED ATM]📼The Crow's Skull📼[Skully/Jay x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now