cahpter 2

50 3 2

marvin never had to deal wiv death and a breakip in the sam minute. but now he do. Bucky was holdin him and comfroting him.

"its ok, we all hated the squop anywayz. ahaha" bucky did his signature lip bite. "yknow what'll make u feel bedder? a song." bucky pulled his guitar of of his ass and vegan to play riptide. his giant robot hand was too big for a ukulele.

bucky was so bad at siging it made marvin crie more. stupid fuxking bucky. stebe rogers starting crying too. he hated his bofysoend songing 😳. bucky findished his song and was like.

"bitch u probably still dead that has never not made someone smile. 😳🙈" Buckley bit his lip. agaian.

marvin left bucky and went to find another friend that wasn't the worst person on the planet. then he found the most worst person ever digging through the trash.his stupid psychiatrist mendel 😡. he cheated on Marvin's therapy wiv marvin's x wife 🙄.

mendel was foaming at the mouth. rabies. AGAIN 🙄🙄. "marvin why are u crying." he askes

"shut the fuck up raccoon looking ass. why u got rabies again huh?"

"i told u to never ask me questions why are u fucking sad if u don't answer im gonna charge you for a sesasion." mendel stopped foaming at the mouth bc foaming at the mouth is gros.

"the squop died and i broke up wiv him. 😔 i hated him so idk why am sad 😜" maevin finally answered. he made eye contant wiv mendel. his eyes were brown like poopoo or sometin.

"sorry about that. u want my McDonald's?" he pulled a McDonald's bag out of the trash can he was digging thru.

"im vegan stupid bitch." marvin was so angery he blocked mendel.

mavin needs to wrok on his anger issues 😡. if it weren't for stupid bucky and syeve roger having gay secks all da time he wouldnt be a homophonic anger man 🤢😁.  "i hate gay people" He muterr. he missed his boyfriend even tho he hated him, cause he's gay. (duh 🙄).

marvin wuz alone. he needed to call somone who wasnt gay or a psychiaratist 😡. he scroled through his contacts until he found a lifesaver, the nmae read:


he ressed to cal BBYGIRL🙈💓

"h-h-hewwo?" a 6'5" voice answered sa phoen.

"sam wincehsfed 😔" marvin said.

"omg whats wwong?" sam wincehster was a homophovneic nerd, just like Merlin. he haded that dean wincehster his brover was gay for an angle named ass 🙄. so ridicuxksous they say they dont date but they obviulsy are bc they raisig satan baby togever 🥰.

"my borfyined died :(" marvin said

"haha cool" sam replies. "And?"

"we broke up too 😦"

"omg no im so sad im telling dean :0" marvin herd sam yell to dean what happensd. he didnt hear what dean said.... not that it matter bc dean wuz a stupid bottom wiv no rights 🙄.  after a minute, sam says sometin again. "u gonna get a new boyf riend?"

"yea i want one who isn't stuphd like the squip 😌😌" 

"i might know someogne in flo dia! i will introduce u when i defeft The us givernnet again 😩🙄😁". sam said.

marvin wuz so happy! flor ida? he hoped dat this bofyeidne would be better than the squip 😩. he had ti be bc the squiop was stupis and died 😡😡. may be this tume da boyfriend WONT DIE

chapter over 😎

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2019 ⏰

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