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I got tagged by brunette Mira

So let's answer these questions TwT

1. Do you have a crush?
Lots of celebrity crushes, yes

2. Height ?

3. Middle name ?
Don't have one

4. Shoe size ?
5-5 1/2

5. Eye colour ?
Idek anymore

6. Last time you cried ?
Listening to Dear Theodosia reprise

7. Biggest fear ?
Vehicles, I always get really paranoid on them that the vehicle's gonna crash or some shit.

8. Last song I listened to ?
Idk I think it was o don't need your love or Dear Theodosia Reprise

I cry every time-

9. Last person I texted
I don't text I dm.
My friend Gloria or Ella don't remember and don't care

10. Tag 10 people
no, why would I do that shit

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