Chapter 1 The Backstabbin Bitches.

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I just finished my your at Haven. I was flying back on a bullhead and was excited to see my girls after being away for several days. Almost an entire month.

I seen beacon in the distance and I smiled, I then waited until the bullhead landed. When it did I grabbed my guitar and my bags and made my way to my dorm. I also had four gifts for my girls. They were concealed in a black box, I unpacked all my stuff and grabbed the four gifts.

As I made my way to team RWBY's dorm I was about to knock when...I heard some moans coming from inside. I began to have bad thoughts, and then I heard Ruby moan and say "Jaune please go harder". I was filled with rage and in pure anger I kicked the door down.

And that's when I seen them. Blake on top of Sun, Weiss getting back doored by Neptune, Yang with Ren and Ruby with Jaune. I just stared at them and they stared back.

The guys all got up and glared at me "What the hell man can't you see were busy"? Says Jaune. It was enough to make me snap and I used my semblance. Jaune fell down on the ground he was in extreme pain his veins were visible from his skin. Ruby shouted "Y/N STOP"!! I didn't listen and attacked all the boys.

They all fell to the ground in pain pleading me to stop it. Yang got up and went to hit me but then I attacked her too. I made the pain as if she had just gotten a knife in her heart. She collapsed and began screaming, she held her chest is was until the rest of JNPR's team came and seen what was going on.

Nora grabbed my arm telling me to stop until I whipped around and hit her. Pyrrha froze and Gasped "Y/N what have you-AGHHH"!!! She went down on one knee as I glare at them both "Did you know"? Nora then said "Y/N...P-pleas-" I then intensified the pain "DID YOU KNOW"?!?! By then everyone was at the door.

Pyrrha in pure will power nodded her head. I then stop the pain as all of them breathed a sigh of relief. I...was...broken.

I looked at team RWBY in disgust Ruby had tears in her eyes "N/N (Nickname) please it's just-" I then put up my hand but she continued "ITS JUST YOU WERE GONE FOR SO LONG"!! I then made her feel pain as if she broke her leg.

Ruby screamed and fell down, she held her leg and I growled "Don't you ever call me that again you whore if you even talk to me...ill make you all feel the worst pain ever" I then stopped my semblance as Ruby stopped screaming and reached out to me "Y-Y/N please were sorry" I just turned around and walked.

Everybody created space for me then Glynda came in and seen the state the girls were in. She gasped as she already knew what went down here. She then quickly fixed the door and looked to all the boys and girls "So...I hope you all realized you all deserved this" the girls were crying while the boys were just quiet.

Meanwhile with you

I walked with my fists clenched to my dorm and as I entered I seen Ozpin there on my bed sitting down. He spoke in a soft voice "I'm sorry you had to see that" you scoff "I'm done with this academy anyways" I began packing my things when he spoke surprised "So you give up on being a huntsmen"? I sighed and said "I don't know anymore Oz the world always seems to bring me down to my knees"

You stared outside and seen some students in the courtyard. Ozpin then says "So what will you do we you gonna let it end this way"? You then sigh and close your eyes before clenching your fists. And turned around "I'll put it straight to ya" you then grab your bags and start packing "I don't want those girls and boys anywhere near me".

Ozpin looks sad and says "Then I won't stop you Mr.L/N if this is what you want then do it" he gets up when he's at the door he stops and says "But if you ever change your mind..." He looks back at me "You will always have a home here in Beacon" he opens the door and walks out.

I look down before I remember their gifts. I look at them and sigh before putting them in front of the door and with a letter. Before turning down the hallway and left Beacon forever.

I then put on some music on my scroll and began to sing.

Play song up top

Rubys pov.

Later that day I dumped Jaune Weiss dumped Neptune and Blake Dumped Sun and Yang basically beaten up all the boys brutally yelling that it's their fault.

I got up when yang was still beating up the boys and Blake and Weiss were crying and walked down the hall. I was crying and wiping my tears as I walked down the hall. People gave me disgusted looks, and called me bad things like Whore Slut Cheater Skank you name it. And I just accepted it, it was our fault after all. I stopped walking and in anger towards the boys I punched the wall I opened my eyes and was Y/N's dorm.

I looked scared and was gonna run when I seen four black boxes, and a note. Picking up the note I read it and began to cry.

Dear team RWBY

I know I wasn't always there but I didn't expect you to drop this low. I loved you girls with all my heart it's no lie when I say that I'll die for you all. But...sadly life isn't a fairy tale. I've decided to leave Beacon, forever I'm sorry I wasn't there for you all. And I meant what I said if I ever see you again if we cross paths expect no mercy from me.

From Y/N

Ps I got you some gifts hope you like them.

I looked to the boxes and picked up the one with the Rose and when I opened it I instantly began wailing in heart ache and sorrow. My team must've heard me Yang thought Y/N hurt me so she was about to bust open the door but I stopped her and showed her the note. We all began crying, you hugged each other in a group hug.

In all our minds were these words "What have we done"?

Hello my Susanoo army I hope you enjoyed this first chapter of this book. Anywho you know the drill. If your new read my other books. Any who this is Susanoo and that's a rap.

Word count 1160

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