Chapter 24

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Perrie's POV

"Jade!" I shouted through to the other Geordie. She ran through to me and looked at me. "Whats up Pez?" She asked worried and I moved to show her the TV. "Tulisa rushes to hospital with family and friends as daughter is rushed into building with doctors?" I asked and she froze. "Tulisa? Wait, wont that be that girl Vharrey? We've been away for so long and we've been so busy we havent called or anything!" Jade said sadly and I agreed. "Wait its a news report! Its live!" I screamed and unmuted the TV.

News presenter: It seems that the story about Tulisa rushing with family and friends into a hospital IS conntected to her cousin Vharrey Clarkson! Witnesses say that doctors were rushing to get her inside and that they needed to 'get the drugs out of her system' it appears that the young girl has tried to commit suicide but the facts arent in play! We'll be back on this story if we have any updates!

I muted the TV and my heart sank. "We have to fone Jesy and Leigh, we need to fone Tulisa as well! We cant just leave her after this!" Jade screamed and I nodded. "Grab your stuff! Fone Jesy and tell them to get ready and were pucking them up! I'll drive us to the hotel she's at! Come on!" I said grabbing my keys and turning the TV off! Jade quickly called the girls and we made our way to their flat!

When we got there Jesy rushed out and Leigh-Anne followed her locking the door! "You guys ready?" I asked and they nodded. "Ok! Lets go get T! She'll be a wreck and after the year she's had she cant be feeling good!" I said and they nodded. "What room is she in?" Jade asked and I shrugged. "Ask her! Text her and ask her! We cant just leave her! We have hardly seen her as we have been in America!" Jesy said and Jade nodded.

"5.78! Thats all she said! Perrie hurry! She doesnt normaly do one word answers!" Jade said and I turned the next few corners! When we got there I parked the car and we all charged out! We ran to the lift and I pushed the 5 botten! "Floor 5 room 78 right?" Leigh asked and Jade nodded. "Yea!" She said and soon we were on floor 5! We ran down the hall to the end and found door number 78! I banged on it and we were all panting!

T asnwered the door and we charged at her. We all hugged her and we felt her crying! "T! We're so sorry we havent called we've been so busy and we were in America and-" "Dont be! I was busy too!" She whimpered and we let her go. "T!" I whispered when I saw her. She had tear stained cheeks, red puffy eyes, she didnt look like the T that was once telling us we had to be strong!

"We just heard and we rushed over, we know this is hard but we want to show our support! You wpuld have if we were in your position!" Jade said and she smiled weakly. "Thanks muffins!" She said and my heart broke. "Your muffins are here T! We gotta cheer you up or something! I hate seeing you like this! We all do!" Jesy said and she nodded. We shut the door and followed her to the living room. "Hey Gareth! Long time no see!" I said and he smiled at us through his tears! Wow! This girl was really special to make him cry!

"Hey girls! Great seeing you again! Wish it was under different circumstances though!" He said and we agreed. Tulisa sat on his lap and he wrapped his arms around her. "T, she will make it! She is your daughter! She'll make it!" Gareth said and kissed her nose. "We missed a lot!" I said and she looked at us. "Things move fast!" She said and we all nodded.

"T, can you go see Kate? She is really upset!" A women around Tulisas age said coming into the room. Tulisa wiped her eyes and stood up! "Just sit with them babe, they are worried for thier friend and your worried for your daughter!" Gareth said and she nodded. She kissed him on the lips? They were a couple? I looked at the girls and they looked back at me.

"How long you 2 been together?" Leigh asked and Gareth looked at her. "About a year and a half now!" He said smiling and we gasped! "Congrats!" We all said togethet and he laughed. "Yea before this happened I was gonna take away her promise ring and make it an engament one! She was ready, we both were, and now I dont care about marrying her I care about my daughter!" He said and sighed siting down again.

We all sat on the chouch. "You guys wanted to get engaged?" Leigh asked and he nodded. "I asked her when we were both ready if she would like to get engaged one day and she said yes! We were still a bit sad because Vharrey had just got out of surgery to save her life! I wanted to surprise her and Vharrey was helping me but then she got shot in the heart because of her kidnappers and well messed up our plans!" He said and my heart sank! Vharrey had been through so much and she was only like 14 years old!

"Im sorry!" Jesy said and he nodded. A boy came out and he had no shirt on. He looked about 15. "Gareth can you-" He stopped when he saw us and cleared his throat. "Can you lend me a shirt as Shannon fell asleep in mine! She was exhausted and her other top was kinda covered in blood!" He said carefully and Gareth nodded. "Yea Andrew, course mate! How is Kate?" He asked and he sighed. "Asleep in Tulisa's arms! Rick is talking with T and trying to get her to sleep without her knowing! She has to go to sleep and well, Rick is just amazing at compelling you to do sonething!" He laughed and so did Gareth. "When do you get to see Vharrey?" Gareth asked and Andrew sighed again. "Dappy is with Gino and Milo explaining to them why they cant see their big cousin! So we'll go when he comes back since he is taking us!" Andrew said and went to turn round.

"What about Kevin? I worry about him the most!" Gareth said and Andrew tensed up. "I aint gonna lie to you, how do you think he's doing? Him and Vharrey break up last night because she felt she was using him too much since the shooting! She then decided to self harm and try to end her life! He is sitting in the coner looking at the girls sleeping thinking about how he could have saved her!" He said and I felt tears escape my eyes. "He will be blaming himself again! He blamed himself when we got Vharrey and I got taken, then again when she died! They re started her heart then but what about now? How can they restart her heart from an overdose?" He said and sighed. "Sorry G! I aint doing any better then Ryan! I better check on the girls! Lets hope all 3 of them are asleep!" He said and Gareth nodded. Andrew had a scar on his side and I couldn't stop looking at it.

"He got shot!" Gareth said and I turned my gaze to him! "When him and Vharrey got kidnapped around 3 years ago he got shot! Didnt do any damage and he was out of hospital later that night!" He said and I nodded. "You guys have been through so much!" Jesy said and he nodded. "Its what keeps us together! They have a bond and because all the bad stuff happened that caused the bond to be tested! It's never going to break! We are all conected with a different bond and Tulisa and Vharrey is the strongest! T blames herself for not protecting her and Kevin blames himself for letting her go!" He said and I wiped away my tears.

"Can I go see T?" I asked and the girls looked at me. "Sure Pez!" He said and I thanked him walking to the room Tulisa disappeared into. When I got there I saw 2 boys in a coner, Andrew with a girl in his arms and then Tulisa with the girl im guessing is Kate! "T?" I whispered to her as Kate was sleeping and she looked at me. "Yea Pez?" She asked and I sat carefully on the bed! "I know this is a bad time but, can I get your advice on something?" I asked her and she nodded slowly. "Hey guys, why dont you go talk with G and the girls in the living room!" Tulisa said and their heads snapped up.

"Girls?" Im guessing Shannon said and then looked up freezing when she saw me! "Wait, all of Little Mix is here?" She smiled and Tulisa laughed. "Yea babe! Jade, Leigh and Jesy are all out there, go talk with them!" I said and she smiled brightly at me. "Talk with you later?" She asked me and I smiled nodding. "Course Shannon!" I said and she smiled! She took Andrews hand and they left then a boy got up from the coner and followed them out. "Here, I'll take her while you to talk!" A boy said and he gently lifted up Kate. "Thanks Rick! Just hold her yeah? She's really ipset and I dont think she'll want to be herself right now!" T said and he nodded. "I'll take care of my girlfriend T!" He laughed and ahe nodded back smiling.

"So whats up Pez?" She asked once the door was shut and Rick had left! "I em-" I stopped and sighed. This was killing me nit knowing and well, Tulisa knew me so she could help right? "Perrie?" Tulisa said taking my hands; snapping me out of my thoughts. She took one look at my eyes and pulled me onto her lap and hugged me. "What is it Perrie?" She asked worried and I hugged her back. I sighed and she toghtened her grip around me! I moved so I was side on and I rested my head in the crook of her neck. "I, I think I love Jade!" I whispered and let some tears fall as I expected her to shout and tell me how wrong my thoughts were! I looked up at her and expected the worst when she whispered my name!

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